Solstheim Architecture Visual Upgrade Author: IvanMaksymiv (aka Izendel) LINK: This mod replaces interior and exterior textures of skaal houses and Raven Rock colony buildings into high quality lore friendly textures. Most of the textures are brand new, few of them are AI upscaled versions of existing textures. This mod includes modified meshes in order to support normal map and reflection effects for those who use MGE XE. This mod includes window glass textures from “Glow in the Dahrk” mod by MelchiorDahrk. This mod replaces the hanging cliff racer in skaal village by the model from “Cliff Racer Replacer 2.0” mod by PeterBitt. INSTALLATION Simply copy (or drag-n-drop) the “Data Files” folder from the mod zip archive into your Morrowind folder. Replace existing files.