==================================================== Campfire Behavior -- by Prometheos ==================================================== 1. Purpose: To enable enhanced behavior of campfires and braziers, adding interest and perhaps a little realism. Now, instead of campfires and braziers just being a light source, the "Campfire Behavior" mod gives them life. 2. What's added: a): The player can now "stamp out" campfires and braziers, whether indoors or out. By "crouching" near a fire or jumping onto the fire, it will extinguish in about 3 seconds. If you've jumped onto a fire, then during those 3 seconds there is a good chance that you'll receive some slight fire damage. Little fires - minor damage; big fires - major damage. Big outdoor braziers, designed to withstand severe weather, such as those at Bruma, can be dimmed but not extinguished. These are so well constructed that neither the elements nor the adventurer can completely extinguish them. b): Approaching an unlit campfire or brazier with a torch in hand, will light the fire. This applies to most fireplaces as well as braziers and campfires. (*Note: it is impossible to "stamp out" a fire while holding a torch.) c): Most outdoor braziers are on a daily schedule. All fires, campfires, fireplace fires and braziers burn down until their fuel is exhausted. Outdoor campfires may also act as cook fires. *** NEW for Rev. 3.0 *** 1. The Talos Bridge and Skingrad Castle Bridge braziers are now lighted by FireLighter NPCs on a daily schedule. These NPCs will attempt to keep the flames lighted as the fires burn-down over time. 2. There is no longer a daily schedule for campfires, which will not light unless there is a nearby NPC. The same applies to indoor fires and fireplace fires. NPCs ( except for the 'Guard Class' ) have been given the ability to light their own fire, and will attempt to do so, once it becomes extinguished. (*Note: using "fast travel" to teleport into a cell will require several seconds for the local fire scripts to synchronize to the Time of day.) d): Rain will now extinguish campfires and braziers. Small fires will extinguish randomly beween 10 to 40 game-world miniutes after it begins to rain. City bridge braziers and large fires can sometimes withstand the rain for more than 60 game-world minutes. This will scale appropriately even if the TimeScale global variable has been altered from the default value of 30. The player may also re-light an extinguished fire, but if it continues to rain, then it will eventually go out. (*Note: rain will cause the large braziers found in Bruma and the surrounding north country, to diminish, but they'll continue to provide light. ) e): Campfires within caves, mines and ruins as well as braziers within castles, are not on a daily schedule. *** NEW for Rev. 3.0 *** Indoor fires need the presence of a nearby NPC to light. Otherwise, once they burn down, they remain unlit. f): Magical and Arcane fires have been intentionally left untouched. However, the Arcane University braziers and the Talos Bridge braziers have been given a new ability. ( see below ) g): Campfires may contain 'Fire Logs'. Activating these logs will add 'Fire Wood' to your inventory. this 'Fire Wood' is a portable fire which may me placed ( preferably on a flat surface ) by selecting it from inventory. The best way to place the 'Fire Wood' is to hold down the left mouse button on the 'Fire Wood' icon. Keep holding the button, even when the inventory screen closes. This leaves you with a dangling 'Fire Log' pile which you can then orient on the ground. Once satisfied, that the logs are correctly located ( be mindful that some surfaces will let the logs fall through!!!) release the mouse button. To create a 'Fire Log' pile, activate the logs you've just placed. This changes them into a fixed 'Fire Log' activator that will then accept flames. ** Note: You are limited to having 1 'Fire Wood' in your inventory at a time. Also, note that you may only have 1 portable fire per game cell. With Fire Wood in your inventory, traveling to another cell that has a portable fire, will disable that fire. Grabbing more logs from any Fire Logs pile activator will also disable any current portable fire that may exist in that same cell. h): Fire Log activators now respond to Magic. Fire Magic will ignite the flames and Frost Magic will extinguish the flames. Occasionally, a fire won't start or stop with Magic. This happens because another "mesh boundary" is intersecting the activator mesh. In a campfire, sometimes the suspended cooking pot is hanging too close to the logs. To get around this, try it from another angle. Failing that, bringing your torch near the logs will light a campfire, and 'crouching' near the fire will extinguish it. i): NPCs now react to stepping in flames. Since all fires, as well as your portable fire causes fire damage, it won't be long before some naive NPC wanders into one of your campfires. If this happens, the NPC will react to being engulfed by flames by crouching and running away. *** NEW for Rev. 3.0 *** Placing a fire in the path of a friendly NPC now carries a consequence. The NPC's disposition toward the player is lowered by 20% for each hotfoot event. j): If you kill an NPC or creature and wish to get rid of the body, you can drag it onto any fire and wait until they are consumed. You'll know they're in the fire when the flames flare up and the body begins to flame. If you are patient, eventually all that will be left is a pile of ash. This 'Cremation Ash' has alchemical properties which may be combined with other ingredients in the usual manner. k): Dynamic Fires: Fires now exhibit more random behavior. 1): Scheduled starting times are slightly randomised. Stop times are determined by random fuel usage during the burn time. Fires can 'burn out' in a couple of hours, or last the entire night. 2): Each hour of burn time generates one or more 'flare' events during the hour. The flames will grow momentarily, and you'll hear a roaring flame sound if you're close enough. Rainfall, also triggers flare events, as does stepping into a fire, or adding objects to the fire. 3): Each hour of burn time, also causes the flame to get smaller. Rainfall has a similar effect. Interfering with the fire by stepping in it or placing obects into it will also diminish the flames. When the flames are small enough ( half size) the fire will extinguish. l): Arcane University Braziers and Talos Bridge Braziers have been given the Magicka enhancement ability. An adventurer can apply a 'touch' or 'target' spell to the brazier which causes a large Arcane flame to be created. Jumping into the flame will then apply a long lasting Magicka fortification spell to the adventurer, of approximately the same value of the cast spell. Casting high Magicka value spells will cause the vessel to require a larger number of recovery days. Also, if the character's Intelligence attribute value is exceeded by the Arcane Magicka fortification ( Arcane Blessing ) then a proportional drain on Endurance and Willpower ( Arcane Burden ) will occur. If the Arcane Burden becomes too much for the character, ( if endurance or willpower, is less than 25 ) then both the Arcane Blessing and Burden will automatically be adjusted. The Arcane Blessing is evaluated, once per day, ( midnight) and a little bit of it's value bleeds away. *** NEW for Rev. 3.0 *** The Arcane Burden is re-evaluated at midnight and after sleeping. If the Arcane Blessing is active at midnight, a little bit more Burden is applied. If the character sleeps, a portion of the Burden is removed. 3. Installation: Install CampfireBehavior.esp and CamfireBehavior.BSA files into the "Oblivion\Data" folder. 4. Possible Conflicts: To accomplish this, several Oblivion scripts had to be modified, (as outlined in the Technical Section) and more than 60 small campfires have been added to Cyrodill to enable all the bandit camps, Kvatch camp and some beggars to have a cooking fire and light at night. 5. Conditions and Terms of Use: Notwithstanding the Bethesda Copyrights regarding any scripts, computer codes, documents and graphics, it is asserted that these program scripts are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. These program scripts are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ==================================================== Technical Section ==================================================== Built with TES:Construction Set 1.2.404 Over Game TES:Oblivion 1.2.0416 ----------------------------------------------------- Oblivion Scripts Modified: ExteriorLightScript GenericFireDamageArena01SCRIPT GenericFireDamageHigh01SCRIPT GenericFireDamageLow01SCRIPT GenericFireDamageMedium01SCRIPT ==================================================== Revision History ----------------------------------------------------- September 8, 2007 -- Rev 1.0 Initial Release ----------------------------------------------------- August 23, 2008 -- Rev 2.0 1. Scheduled breakfast fire added. 2. Campfires may contain logs that can be used for a portable fire. 3. NPCs stepping into a fire will react to the burning by fleeing. 4. Fires can consume bodies, leaving behind the Cremation Ashes alchemical ingredient. 5. Dynamic Fires (flames get smaller and can exhibit a flare event, etc.) 6. Fire Magic can ignite Fire Logs, and Frost Magic can extinguish them. ----------------------------------------------------- August 25, 2008 -- Rev 2.01 Added missing Fire Log inventory icon to the BSA file. ----------------------------------------------------- September 2, 2008 -- Rev 2.1 1. Added Arcane Brazier Magicka enhancement. 2. Removed Oblivion Gate conflicts with flame scripts. 3. Added visual timer for Cremation event. ----------------------------------------------------- April 28, 2009 -- Rev 3.0 1. Removed compression on BSA file elements which enables 'medium' and 'small' texture size support. 2. Added special NPCs to light the Talos Bridge and Skingrad Castle Bridge Flames. End times are still random for individual flames. 3. Removed the spontaneous auto-lighting to campfires. Campfires, without nearby NPCs, will not auto-light. Added to the NPCs, is the fire lighting ability. All NPCs ( except for 'Guard Class' ) will light a fire when needed. 4. Code added to the 'Fire Wood' script should make it easier to place the logs. The code block also helps prevent the Fire Wood from passing through the ground texture. 5. NPCs who get burned by the player's fire, will have a lower dispostion toward the player. -----------------------------------------------------