Mod Name: Cosmic Night Sky Game: Oblivion Version: 2.0 Author: Samroski (Samir Qazi) Email: Released: 21 September 2008 ================================== About the Mod: This mod gives you the option of 129 textures for the Oblivion night sky. These are mostly NASA and Hubble images of nebulae, galaxies and star clusters. The current version (2.0) corrects a number of minor issues in nearly all of the the older textures in this mod, and adds 25 new texures to the previous version (1.4) It is strongly recommended that this mod be used in combination with SkyCycling and AutoQuicksave mod by Sycamore. This will automatically cycle the night sky textures and greatly enhance your experience. ================================== Installation: You need to replace one texture. There is no .esp file to activate. The texture for the night sky is present in the folder: Oblivion/Data/Textures/Sky and is named: For users of Natural Environments, this texture resides in: Oblivion/Data/Textures/NaturalEnvironments/Sky. Please back up this file (optional). Unzip this mod to a folder on your hard drive. This will create a set of 120 folders named for the nebula/galaxy used to create the replacement texture. Each of these folders will have two files: a jpg image of the nebula/galaxy, and a corresponding texture. The jpg images are also present in the main folder to aid selection. To use the textures, copy the desired texture and paste it into: Oblivion/Data/Textures/Sky. Say "Yes" when asked to overwrite the existing file. To use a different texture copy the desired file into Oblivion/Data/Textures/Sky. ================================== Installation if using with SkyCycling and AutoQuicksave mod ( by Sycamore Select the folders with the textures that you want to automatically cycle, and copy these (entire) folders to: Oblivion/Data/Textures/Sky ================================== Credits: This mod was inspired by: Sky Candy by Cordwainer I want to thank Sycamore for all the work he did on his SkyCycling mod- which greatly enhances the utitlity of this mod. The images are mostly from the archives of NASA and Hubble and Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive. There are a few art images and some fractals that I put in just for fun. I used Paint, Microsoft Office Picture Manager and DDS Convertor to manipulate the images. You may use these textures as you wish. Please inform me ( if possible. ================================== Future Plans: As soon as I see a new cosmic image, I cannot help but convert it to a texture- so I suppose I'll keep adding textures to this mod. Check for the latest version.