there are New Darkbrother hood Arena Raimets just put this into your Oblivion folder and then put it into your data folder. click it to turn the mod on and then click it again to turn the modd off the New Arena Raimets are found in the cabinet by the blademaster of the bloodworks there are Heavy Arena Raimets and Light Arena Raimets this mod is Great you can wear the Darkbrother hood Armor in the Arena with killing any one first to get it or being a Champion rank to wear the Darkbrother hood armor in the Arena. you can also wear the old Arean Raimets if you want to it's great because you can wear Darkbrother hood armor if you want to and the other blue team has to wear the old Arena Raimets I didn't change any of the grand champion armors I have Shivering Isle and Knight of the Nile when I made this mod there may be a few bugs if you use this mod with other Arena Armor mod or other Arena Mods