Name: Auto-save and Time Version: 0.9970 Date: 4 February 2012 Category: Miscellaneous Requirements: Oblivion Patch, Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE): Optional: Conscribe: Pluggy: Author(s): kuertee Source: Updates since last release (0.9969) =================================== 0.9970, 4 February 2012: Tweak: Reliance on Pluggy completely removed from the last 2 features that used it in the previous versions. However, if Pluggy is installed, it'll still use its features. The two features that used it were: Alt-F5 Quit and save:Used Pluggy's "halt" command to quit. Alarm clock: Used pluggy's INI writes to accumulate the time across game loads. Tweak: Alt-F5 Quit now uses OBSE's "con_quit" command to quit. OR Pluggy's "halt" command. Tweak: Alarm clock: now uses OBSE's "SetModLocalData" and "GetModLocalData" to accumulate time spent in the game. Note: PCB is, by default, OFF in the INI. Turn it on by setting that value to 1 in the INI. Gameplay changes ================ Auto-saves: every 5 minutes indoor and 2.5 minutes outdoors, at new Map Marker found, when an Oblivion gate is closed, when Fame and Infamy changes, after combat. Press F5 to force an immediate save. Press Alt-F5 to save then quit the game to the Desktop. In-game time: Variable Timescale: In the wilderness: 20 when stopped. Increases by 1 every second up to the maximum of 30 when moving. Maximum Timescale is dependent on how far you've has travelled from where you stepped outdoors. Indoors: 20. In combat or when sneaking: 10. These features allow the use of high Timescales. (High Timescales increase the time required to travel between cities - virtually increasing the distance between them. I am currently playing Nehrim at a maximum outdoor Timescale of 120. And I played Oblivion with 90.) MenuMode time: Length of time spent in screens that would normally take up time (e.g. conversing with an NPC, reading a book, etc.) are added to the in-game time. GameMode wait: Increase Timescale by a factor of 20 up to the next in-game quarter-hour, half-hour or hour. Press Y to get this menu. Fast dungeon exit: Press U to teleport to where you first entered the Interior cell. Time spent in the cell is added to the in-game time as a penalty. Greater Power timer: Greater Powers (like all spell durations) are based on real-world timers and are not affected by changes to Timescale. This feature ensures that Greater Powers are again available 24 hours after they are cast. Real-world time: Immersive clock every 2.5 minutes: E.g.: "It's been 2 hours after the rising of the sun, Turdas (Thu). This is your 4th day in the wilderness." Press B to display the clock. Press Alt-B to display real time. Alarm clock every 10 minutes: "You've been playing for 1:10 minutes." In-game features: Weather unsticker: This feature releases temporary weather effects (e.g. the Oblivion storm) that have become stuck. Weather sudden-change preventer: Sometimes the weather changes during Load-door transitions. When this happens, it looks as if the weather changes every time you go through a door. This feature prevents that. PCB every 5 minutes. T-pose preventer at every cell change. Change the respawn interval in the INI. Compatibility ============= The ESP has no master ESM. This mod should be compatible with any TES4-based games. E.g. Nehrim. Disable features in the INI when using similar features from other mods. E.g. Variable Timescale in TheNiceOne's Real Sleep Extended. No items were changed or added, so any mod that changes doors, dungeons and Greater Powers should be compatible. The weather features may not be compatible with mods that have scripted weather effects. Disable this in the INI. Timescale is reset to 30 during some stages of A Brush with Death and Where Spirits Have Lease quests. The respawn interval in the INI is ignored when tekuromoto's DS Less predictable respawn (DSLPR) mod is active. Details ======= Configure this mod with its INI file in (game folder)\Data\Ini\. Auto-saves are labelled AutoSaveX, PlaceDiscoveredX, GateClosedX or AfterCombatX with X as their number in sequence. There is a 5 second buffer between auto-saves - new auto-saves within that time are cancelled. The Fast dungeon exit feature ignores hostile creatures in the dungeon. The time lost is sufficient penalty. Time spent in these MenuMode screens are added to the in-game time when back in GameMode. Container, Barter (1008) Dialog (1009) LockPick (1014) Map (1023) Negotiate (1025) Book (1026) Persuasion (1034) Repair, Ingredient selection for Alchemy (1035) Spell purchase (1037) Alchemy (1040) Spell making (1041) Enchantment (1042) Effect setting (1043) Sigil stone (1048) Recharge (1049) Upgrade from previous versions ============================== OBMM: Deactivate the previous OMOD then follow the OBMM Install instructions with the new ZIP. Manual: Replace the old files and folders with the new files and folders from the ZIP. OBMM Install ============ 1. Click on "Create" to create a new OMOD. 2. Click on "Add archive" and point to the downloaded ZIP file. 3. Click on "Create omod". 4. Activate the newly created OMOD. OBMM Uninstall ============== 1. Deactivate the OMOD. Manual Install/Uninstall ======================== Unsupported. OBMM is recommended. History ======= 0.9969, 10 January 2012: Bug-fix: Reset the Timescale to timeScaleOutdoorsWhenStopped when interacting with a Menu Mode that would need the player be stopped (e.g. Dialogue, Repair). In previous versions, the player will need to have actually stopped moving (e.g. stopped walking) before entering in a Menu Mode (e.g. Dialogue), for the Timescale to reset to timeScaleOutdoorsWhenStopped. Tweak: Added the number of hours the player has been in a dungeon (GetCellMusicType == 2) to the time messages. E.g.: It's less than half-an-hour before the rising of the sun, Turdas (Thu). This is your 3rd hour in from the wilderness. Read-me: A concise description of the mod: Gameplay changes, Compatibility, Details. Rewritten for ease of scanning. (And to get this ready for Skyrim users.) Bug-fix: PCB and T-pose preventer were disabled for some reason. Re-enabled in this version. 0.9968, 26 December 2011: New feature: Weather unsticker and weather sudden-change preventer: If the weather is overriden for more than the value of weatherOverrideMaxHours in the INI, the override is released. If the weather changes between load-doors, the weather is reverted to the previous weather. E.g.: This prevents the sudden weather change experienced while travelling across the Imperial City districts. Disable this by setting weatherPreventSuddenFluctuation in the INI. Thanks to Alt3rn1ty for the suggestion. Bug-fix: Some stages of the quests A Brush with Death and Where Spirits Have Lease required Timescale to be set at 30. My previous method of detecting when these quests are at those stages was bugged. Fixed in this version. Bug-fix: TimeScale would be set incorrectly if timeScaleOutdoor is less than timeScaleOutdoorWhenStopped. Fixed now. Tweak: PlaceDiscoveredX and GateClosedX filenames for auto-saved games. Thanks to Arakhor for the suggestion. Bug-fix: Reenabled T-pose preventer. It was disabled for some reason. Tweak: Added a save-delay timer after load-door transitions. New feature: Should work with any worldspace - i.e. Oblivion.esm and the Tamriel worldspace are no longer required. Tweak: Added the number of days the player has been in the wilds/in from the wilds to the time messages. E.g.: It's less than half-an-hour before the rising of the sun, Turdas (Thu). This is your 5th day in the wilds. These day counters are only displayed if Player.IsInInterior is 0 and if the day counter is more than 1. Disable this by setting showDayCounter to 0 in the INI. Tweak: If Conscribe is installed, debug messages are logged in Data\Conscribe logs\Per-Mod\kuerteeAutoSaveAndTime.log. Set debugToConsole to 1 in the INI for them to appear in the Console. If Conscribe is not installed, they appear in the Console. 0.9967, 5 December 2011: New option: Max outdoor TimeScale based on distance. By default, outdoor TimeScale is based on the distance travelled from where the player moved outdoors. When the player has travelled the distance value of timeScaleOutdoorsMaxAtDistance, the full value of timeScaleOutdoors (or timeScaleOutdoorsWhen*) is used. Note that this does not override the function of increasing timescale when moving, when that function is used. This simply caps the Timescale from all other function so that time doesn't increase too quickly near the location the player first moved outdoors. Tweak: The quick dungeon exit now works regardless of whether there are enemies around. The time lost when using this function is a sufficient penalty. Tweak: Format of time in messages. Bug-fix: You now cannot Fast forward time when time is already fast forwarded. 0.9966, 6 November 2011: New options: For more outdoor time controls, TimeScale for running, riding a horse and galloping can be changed. By default, these are set to use "timeScaleOutdoors" - which is 30 and which will be used when any of those conditions are false. Change these in the INI. (Thanks to Leeus from the TESNexus forums for the suggestion.) Tweak: Greater Power timer manager. The timer for the availability of Greater Powers doesn't take into account TimeScale changes. Also, it is independent of game-time and instead counts down at real-time seconds from the number of seconds (for 24 hours) appropriate for the TimeScale when it was cast. This tweak forces it so that Greater Powers are available after 24 hours of game-time elapses after they are cast. Bug-fix: Quit and save now works during combat. Previously, being in combat cancelled this feature. 0.9965, 28 September 2011: Tweak: More accurate timers. It was about time to update my timers by using OBSE's "GetUserTime" instead of using a hack with Oblivion's "GetSecondsPassed". (This mod was originally built before OBSE can query the user's actual computer time. That was sooo long ago.) Bug-fix: The pluggy detection was broken in previous version. If you have pluggy and with a better time, the alarm clock feature will now report an accurate length of time you've been playing - even across saved games. 0.9964, 24 September 2011: Tweak: Post-combat saves will now delay the normal interval-triggered auto-save. Previously, an auto-save may occur immediately after combat. 0.9963, 10 July 2011: Tweak: Compatibility with other TimeScale manager mods when the TimeScale features are turned off in this mod. Tweak: Correct time displays (e.g. HH:MM) in the Show real time and Fast exit messages. 0.9962, 19 June 2011: (Thanks omelette, anithinks and wetblanket for their suggestions for this update.) New feature: Save then quit. By default, when you hold down the Left-alt (saveNowKeyModifier in the INI) key with F5 (saveNowKey), the game will quit immediately after the save operation. Tweak: Save messages are now disabled by default. To turn them on, set showNotifications to 1 in the INI. These messages are, however, presented when doing a Save then quit. New feature: Audio notifications after a save is enabled by default. To turn this off, set audioNotification to 0 in the INI. When doing a Save then quit, the "ping" is played regardless of the audioNotification setting. New feature: Show real time by holding down the Left-alt (saveNowKeyModifier) key with B (showTimeKey). 0.9961, 5 June 2011: Tweak: Reverted the default outdoor TimeScale to 30. 0.996 outdoor TimeScale had my preferred value of 90. 0.996, 4 June 2011: New feature: Fast forward time, Key Y (default) by a factor of 20 (default) - see below Fast exit, Key U (default) - see below 0.995, 29 November 2009: Tweak: Prevention of crashes that occured after Auto-saves. In previous versions, the game would crash immediately after an Auto-save. (The saved-games were usually intact and not corrupted by the crash.) This version tweaks the start of the code to prevent these crashes. 0.994, 3 November 2009: Tweak: Cancellation of script when the player is in the process of the "sitting" animation. The intermittent crashes immediately after an auto-save seemed to have decreased with this tweak. However, upgrading to OBSE v0018 beta 5 may have helped also. Tweak: Pluggy is now optional. With pluggy, the Alarm clock will function as normal: across loaded saved-games in a game-session. Without pluggy, the Alarm clock will only count time in the one loaded game. I.e.: loading a game will reset the clock back to 0. 0.993, 3 October 2009: Tweak: Moved the saving of Pluggy INI information before the auto-saving process. I started, very recenlty, to experience crashes after an auto-save is performed - particularly after combat. I think this was due to the increased activity of my other mods (e.g. Battle fatigue and injuries) after an NPCs die. 0.992, 27 September 2009: Tweak: For MS02 and MS14 quests to run correctly, Timescale is forced to 30 when their stages are 88 and 72 respectively. Thanks theNiceOne for this heads-up. 0.991, 25 July 2009: New features: An auto-save is created when these are triggered: a new place is discovered, an oblivion gate is shut, the player's fame or infamy changes. As per this forum thread, it seems that tracking fame and infamy is the closest method to tracking quest log changes: Tweak: The trigger for PurgeCellBuffers is now off by default. 0.99, 21 June 2009: Bug-fix: Previously, the mod failed with no errors when starting from a new game or from a "clean" saved game. 0.98, 8 June 2009: New feature: Outdoor TimeScale when stopped (default = 20) and Increasing outdoor TimeScale (default = 1 second, 1 TimeScale increase) when moving. These two features should help those who play with high outdoor TimeScales to effect a faster day and night cycle. (A faster day and night cycle would effectively increase the virtual distance between landmarks. And I play with an outdoor TimeScale of 90.) New feature: TimeScale when sneaking. New Incompatibility note: I do not have the Shivering Isles DLC, so I can't add variable TimeScale support for its outdoor environment. TimeScale in The Shivering Isles outdoor environment will be set to the value for indoor TimeScale. 0.97, 22 May 2009: New feature: Key to force an auto-save. Thanks to process for suggesting this feature. By default, this key is mapped to the default Quick-Save key (F5). This creates a vanilla Quick-save and an auto-save. Note that like any OBSE key-checks on low-interval mods (like this), the key may need to be held down for a second so that the script doesn't miss it when it checks for it. Tweak: The INI file is now located in the Data\ini folder. 0.96, 19 April 2009: New feature: Full support of tekuromoto's DS Less predictable respawn (DSLPR). Previously, users had to set respawnInterval to 0 in the INI file to support DSLPR. Now, this mod skips its respawn code automatically when DSLPR is active. Tweak: The default for Respawn time is now 72 hours rather than 240 hours. Bug-fix: Previously, indoor and outdoor Timescales were not getting changed until after combat starts. New feature: MenuMode now has its own individual Timescale. By default, this is 20. Tweak: MenuMode time is ignored when in combat. Previously, it was my intention to add any time in MenuMode (e.g. reading the map, inventory, spell-selection, reading books, etc.) to the actual game time. I've had a rethink about this and feel that time in MenuMode while in combat shouldn't be a penalty. 0.95, 30 March 2009: Bug-fix: Will now ignore respawnInterval when set to 0. Previously, when respawnInterval was set to 0, it will set the game's respawn interval to 0 rather than not affect it. 0.94, 14 March 2009: Bug-fix: Repeated use of sv_Construct on text string variables caused saved-game bloat. 0.93, 12 February 2009: delays saving when the mounting a horse and dismounting a horse animation is playing. 0.92, 10 February 2009: Tweak: Combat needs to last at least, by default, 10 seconds before it triggers a post-combat save. Tweak: Alarm will not trigger if an arrow is set on the bow. 0.91, 31 January 2009: New feature: Variable Timescales for: in combat, out of the wild (e.g. indoors or in cities) and in the wild. Read the description below for the default values of these. Change them in the INI file to suit your game. New feature: Respawn interval value for IHoursToRespawnCell global variable. Read the description below for the default values of this. Change it in the INI file to suit your game. New feature: Time spent in MenuMode can be added to the actual game-time in (GameHours global variable). Tweak: Prevents the alarm from getting triggered during combat. Tweak: Prevents the Misc actions from executing at the same time as any Auto-save action. Tweak: Save delay timer is also used for after-combat-saves. 0.90: 24 January 2009 - Initial release. Contact ======= kuertee Credits ======= kuertee in Bethesda for the sound effect "ui_lock_pickscrape_06.wav", which I've used and bundled with this delivery. Jaga Telesin for Streamline. Tools Used ========== Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) - TES4Edit - TES Construction Set - Readme Generator - Licensing/Legal =============== You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like to know what mods are including my work.