Mod: Tales From Elsweyr Anequina, Version 2.9 Game: TES IV: Oblivion Requires: Shivering Isles Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina Compatible with: Reapers_Anequina_Manor V_2 Beyond Cyrodiil - Camps WIPz - Elsweyrs Kingdom of Rimmen Author: System Shock Edited by : David Brasher Date: 8/27/11 **************************************** CONTENTS **************************************** 1. Information on the Mod 2. Installation 3. Version History 4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting 5. Copy Status and Credits **************************************** 1. INFORMATION ON THE MOD **************************************** This mod includes dungeons, quests, and a home in Elsweyr, plus the obsidian armor and weapon set. After exiting the prison sewers, look for a fellow escapee around the dock. This version requires Elsweyr Anequina, is compatible with it, and is working to blend in with it and enhance it. The places this mod adds: There are 28 new places in Elsweyr: 1 fort with 3 cells which is your player-owned home 1 fort ruin 3 caves with 3 cells each 1 Ayleid ruin with 2 cells 1 mine 1 trading post 1 archery shop 1 house of healing 1 religious shrine 1 farm 1 mysterious monument 2 army camps 1 strange place of great evil 1 evil magic users' convention 1 shack 1 wizard tower 1 magic garden 8 miscellaneous camps What's new that you can use/wear: The Obsidian armor The Obsidian weapons set The Khajiit guard cuirass The Khajiit shield Player-Owned Home: The fort is fully furnished, complete with training area, trophy room, forge, bedroom, an underground river, prison cells, and, and honest to goodness castle armory where you get to display your weapons the way they are supposed to be displayed. If you want the fancy, you have the trophy room, but the armory with its lines of wooden weapon stands is where it's at for medieval chic! Quests: Main quest for the armor and weapons 3 side quests so far. NPCs: All the new NPCs have five or more lines of new dialog. The dialog uses silent voice files and faux lip syncing. This mod automatically removes borders so you don't need to change your .ini file. (You can if you want to.) **************************************** 2. Installation **************************************** Because this mod is actively being worked on, there will be many updates to the .esp. So for ease of repeated uploading and downloading, the esp and sounds come in part 1 of 2. The meshes and textures come in part 2 of 2. (Part one will change often. Part two will change seldom or never.) Extract (decompress) the .esp file meshes, textures, and sounds to your Oblivion directory, the default is: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\ Alternately, extract someplace else. Then move the esp. meshes, textures, and sounds to Oblivion\Data\ Often you can simply drop the "Data" file into the "Oblivion" folder Make sure the files go into the proper directories they were in when you downloaded the mod. Mark the box next to the "Tales from Elsweyr Anequina" plugin. Remove any old copies of Tales From Elsweyr from your mod directory. It is not good to run two versions of this mod at the same time. Set your load order like this with the things on the bottom of the list loading last: Elsweyr Anequina Reapers_Anequina_Manor V_2 (If used.) Beyond Cyrodiil - Camps (If used.) WIPz - Elsweyrs Kingdom of Rimmen (If used.) Tales From Elsweyr Anequina **************************************** 3. Version History **************************************** V 2.9 8/27/11 More TES4Edit mod-cleaning. V 2.8 4/1/11 Object placement fixes by Dry Camp. More mod-cleaning. V 2.7 2/27/11 Guard script and AI fixes. V 2.6 7/27/10 Guard bug fixes, various other tweaks and bug fixes. V 2.5 6/1/10 Fixed corrupted land textures and water levels. V 2.4 5/31/10 Added dialogue to bribe the female Khajiit soldier to stop following you and watching you, for if you play a stealth character and commit a lot of crimes. AI adjustments. Object placement adjustments. Landscape adjustments. V 2.3 5/28/10 Redid crime and punishment. Fixed seams and lighting in Caraba Mine. Addressed various dialog and object placement issues. V 2.2 5/23/10 Moved locations and made the mod compatible with Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina. V 2.1 10/7/09 Expansion. Total locations: 28. V 2.0 9/22/09 Many bugfixes. Expansion. Total locations: 25. V 1.1 2/7/08 Initial release with 8 locations. **************************************** 4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting **************************************** There may be too much danger and too many monsters because the spawnpoints from this mod and Elsweyr Anequina are both there. The lore of the two mods will not match exactly. It is possible for the captives in your prison to escape under certain circumstances. But that is realistic. The meshes and textures are not all included because some of them are the same as those in Elsweyr Anequina. Install and activate Elsweyr Anequina and everything will be okay. This is a large mod parented to an even larger mod. There have been reports of very slow exiting of the game after playing this mod. This is a common problem for Oblivion players playing any mods and the cause is not known for certain, although large mods, numerous mods, and large savegames with advanced characters seem like contributing factors. If you have this problem, you might consider downloading the mod "Fast Exit" at this address: This mod has a very complex structure. It is an .esp with a parent master which is an esp. Things aren't really supposed to be that way. Masters are supposed to be .esm files. So we must be tricky and clever. If you try to open this mod in the CS and save a change, you will break the mod unless you really know what you are doing. You must use Wrye Bash to perform a bit flip to make it so Elsweyr Anequina is a virtual .esm while it is open in the CS, and then flip it back into being Elsweyr Anequina.esp while play-testing or gaming. IF ANYONE DETECTS A MAJOR BUG WHICH MAKES THE MOD UNPLAYABLE, PLEASE SEND ME A PERSONAL MESSAGE ON TES NEXUS RIGHT AWAY. I WILL HOPEFULLY BE ABLE TO FIX IT AND RELEASE AN IMPROVED VERSION OF THIS MOD. **************************************** 5. Copy Status and Credits **************************************** Credits: System Shock for the core mod. David Brasher for editing. Iliana et al. for Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina. Ethre for mailing me a DVD-R of downloaded data. French Brotherhood members (especially : malhuin, zolotarev, Petit_Scarabee_77) for play-testing before release. Bethesda for making the game in an open format anyone can mod. Copy Status: You are free to modify, expand, and distribute this mod. If you re-do it or improve on it, just list everybody in the Credits. The story in the black book is the intellectual property of System Shock. ********************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************** **********************************************************************************