Mod: Cave of Wishcraft Version 1.3 Game: TES IV: Oblivion Author: David Brasher Release Date: 4/2/11 **************************************** CONTENTS **************************************** 1. Information on the Mod 2. Installation 3. Version History 4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting 5. Copy Status **************************************** 1. INFORMATION ON THE MOD **************************************** Rumors are spreading like wildfire about a vast treasure horde in a cave in the wilderness. It will be a challenge for you to get there first before others do. On your quest for the treasure, you will encounter an unusual number of NPCs with many possible lines of dialog. The dungeon may be quite a challenge for weak characters and those who are impatient and not observant. Part of the treasure trove will be two weapons with custom script effects, and an enchanted piece of armor which has been retextured. I don't wish to say more about them because it might spoil the surprise ending. About two gamedays after you activate the mod and start playing, you will receive a quest message about the rumors you have been hearing. You will need to start your search at Abandoned Mine, which is far to the east of Bravil, and is North-East of Lake Canulus. Then you will need to go far to the East across the border into Black Marsh. This mod automatically removes borders so there is no need to modify your Oblivion.ini file. While you are in Black Marsh, expect to encounter an ordinary amount of creatures. The landscape will not be dead and lifeless. In the dungeon, many of the enemies you will encounter will not be leveled, so you may wish to be level 15 before starting this quest. The enemies re-spawn, so if you have to leave the dungeon for a long while, it will be hard again when you go back. The dungeon is also replayable because of the respawning monsters and some re-spawning treasure. This mod requires the Shivering Isles expansion. **************************************** 3. Installation **************************************** Extract (decompress) the .esp file to your oblivion directory, the default is: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\ In your mod manager, mark the box next to the "Cave of Wishcraft" plug-in. Alternately, extract someplace else. Then move the .esp, mesh, texture, and Sound folders to Oblivion\Data\. This will merge the .nif, .dds, MP3, and .lip data files (mesh, texture, sound, and lip movement files) from the mod with the data files on your computer. Often you can simply drop the "Data" file into the "Oblivion" folder. Make sure the files go into the proper directories they were in when you downloaded the mod. **************************************** 4. Version History **************************************** V 1.3 4-2-11 Modified the quest delayer script. Object placement fixes. AI fix. Grid-pathing fixes. Dialog fix. V 1.2 3-31-11 More mod-cleaning. V 1.1 11-4-09 Fixed texture paths because they only worked on computers configured like mine and not on all computers. V 1.0 10-28-09 Initial Release **************************************** 5. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting **************************************** No known issues or conflicts at this time. The mod will likely conflict with any mod which alters the same cells in Black Marsh which this mod does. IF ANYONE DETECTS A MAJOR BUG WHICH MAKES THE MOD UNPLAYABLE, PLEASE SEND ME A PERSONAL MESSAGE ON TES NEXUS RIGHT AWAY. I WILL HOPEFULLY BE ABLE TO FIX IT AND RELEASE AN IMPROVED VERSION OF THIS MOD. **************************************** 6. Copy Status and Credits **************************************** Credits: Bethesda for making the game in an open format anyone can mod. Copy Status: Feel free to modify this, share this, or use parts of it. Just send me a Personal Message on TES Nexus as a courtesy, and include my name in your credits. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************