Respawning Varla & Welkynd Stones v1.2 by Khettienna Official Source 1: Official Source 2: ================================== DESCRIPTION ================================== "Storytellers say that the Ayleids imbued their precious stones with the same magical energy fused into the matrices of every structure they built. It is said that should one of the stones be removed, it is only ever temporary; after a time, its energy disperses, only to reconstitute at its place of imbuement. Varla stones find their way home in about the time of a moon cycle; welkynd stones, however, take only half that. Of course, the residual magics of the stones that make them so valuable to mages remain in the physical embodiment of the stone for years." It always made me sad to loot varla & welkynd stones from Ayleid ruins, because they seemed so at home there! Hence, this mod was born. I have hand-replaced the stones with activators that respawn on a timer after use, but still look just like the original stones. This way the stones themselves haven't been altered, for the sake of compatibility. When you first load your game with the mod active, all the stones will be there. When you uninstall the mod, any stones you picked up prior to installing the mod will still be gone. This mod only works on stones in Oblivion's original Ayleid ruins. Stones outside of ruins (such as on mages guild counters, or in NPC homes) were not altered. Stones added by mods (including official DLC mods) are not affected by this mod. You can tell the difference easily by the icon you get when you put your crosshair over a stone. If it's a fist with a line through it, like levers and buttons have, the stone will respawn. If it's a regular hand, like a book or anything else you can pick up has, then it will not respawn. New this version: Re-cleaned the mod with the newest version of TES4Edit, and wrote a shiny new Readme. ================================== REQUIREMENTS ================================== Requires the latest official Oblivion patch ( ================================== INSTALLATION ================================== Because this mod has no alternate or optional files, you may install it via BAIN or NMM, or create an omod directly from the archive if you wish. Manual Installation: 1) Use 7zip to extract the archive you downloaded to a temporary location. 2) Copy the contents of the extracted archive (minus the readme) to your Oblivion\Data folder. Click "Yes" to overwrite, if prompted. 3) Activate the plugin in the launcher of your choice. Put this mod very early in your load order, such as right after the UOP. Please don't ask me how to install mods. Here is a guide: ================================== COMPATIBILITY, BUGS & TROUBLESHOOTING ================================== There are no known bugs. I know there are some mods that alter some of the original Ayleid ruins, but I haven't seen any that actually conflict - if you find one, please let me know. Mod Troubleshooting Guide: I wrote this guide to help you troubleshoot mod problems, because I prefer to spend my time other ways. Please respect that, and use the guide before asking for help. If the solution isn't in the guide, I'm happy to lend a hand. The fastest way to get help is to leave a comment on this mod's download page at TESNexus (linked at the top), or message me (Khettienna) privately at TESAlliance, Nexus, or the official Bethsoft Forums. ================================== PERMISSIONS ================================== You may re-use any of this mod's content in your own Oblivion mods, as long as you don't charge money for it, and you credit me for my work. You may share this mod freely, as long as you don't charge money for it, and you include my original Readme. Please enjoy. =)