The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Name: Oblivifall "Vengeance of the Classic" – Ambient Dungeon SFX Version: 3.0 Date: 23/06/11 Category: Sounds Requires: Oblivion 1.2.0416 Author: Cliffworms ( 1. Oblivifall Introduction 2. Ambient Dungeon SFX 3. Requirements 4. Installing the plug-in 5. Playing the plug-in 6. Save games 7. Conflicts/Known Errors 8. Legal Stuff/Disclaimer 9. Changelog 10. Credits 11. Oblivifall modules & Community Mods 1. OBLIVIFALL INTRODUCTION Oblivifall "Vengeance of the Classic" is a project that aims to bring many features from The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall to Oblivion. For many old fans of Elder Scrolls, Daggerfall is still the best cRPG Bethesda has ever designed or even the best cRPG ever made. I will be releasing many separate mods that will add new features and options to Oblivion. Now let’s see what this mod is about, shall we? 2. Ambient Dungeon SFX In Daggerfall, an element that added to the scare factor was the creepy sound effects in dungeons. You could hear doors opening in the distance, zombies moaning, rock sliding, and more. I have gathered around 60+ sound effects that fit each dungeon theme and that sound similar to Daggerfall’s. As opposed to the first versions, there are no longer looped ambiences. Thanks to Phitt’s script, the sound effects can play at anytime around your character’s location. To explain this technically, an invisible script follows your character inside the dungeon and moves around him/her, playing a random sound with a random delay between each sounds. The result of this much improved mechanism is that no dungeon sound the same and you can never expect what you’ll hear next. The common ambiences, which include Ayleid ruins, forts and caves, have three variations each. Haunted, daedric and standard. As such, an Ayleid Ruins inhabited by bandits will have standard, mystical sound effects or the sounds of doors opening. But if you stumble into Ayleid Ruins inhabited by the Undead, you’ll hear zombies moaning and other undead sounds in addition to the standard sound effects. Finally, there are also the sewers where you hear mostly rats moving around. Have fun playing in a more Daggerfallesque and immersive dungeon experience! 3. REQUIREMENTS You need the latest version of Oblivion. 4. INSTALLING/UNINSTALLING THE PLUG-IN Simply extract the Data folder to your Oblivion/Data folder. To uninstall, remove the following files: "Oblivifall – Ambiant Dungeon SFX.esp" file. "Oblivion\Data\Sound\SFX\AmbiantDungeonSFX\" folder. ==Users of version 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2:== The folder structure has changed. You can safely remove the folder "Dungeons" inside your "Oblivion\Data\Sound\SFX\Oblivifall\" directory. 5. PLAYING THE PLUG-IN In the Oblivion Launcher, activate " Oblivifall – Ambiant Dungeon SFX.esp" by double-clicking on it. Then simply get inside a dungeon and have fun hearing the new sound ambiences. 6. SAVE GAMES You do not need to start a new game to see(hear?) the changes. 7. CONFLICTS/KNOWN ERRORS - Will not conflict with any sound mod. 8. LEGAL STUFF/DISCLAIMER Distribute this mod as you wish. Just give the credits to me for releasing the plugin and include the readme. 9. CHANGELOG V3.0: - Overhauled the mechanics. There are no longer looped sound files. Instead, a scripted invisible activator moves around the player in a dungeon and plays a random dungeon sound effect from a library of 60+ sounds with a random delay between each. Great thanks to Phitt for his script! - Well, it’s version 3.0 now. Meaning it’s pretty much final. :D V1.2: - Translated the French sound files to English for compatibility. - Recompressed the sound files to drop down the filesize. V1.1: - Dropped down the background noise - Modified the volume and pan of each sound effect in the sound ambiances. The results are directional sounds for a more natural and realistic ambiance. V1.0: Initial Release 10. CREDITS - Phitt for his script that totally overhauled and improved the sound mechanics! - Duncan, author of the Morrowind mod Atmospheric Sound Effects from which the dungeon sounds come from. - The Daggerfall Dev Team for the best cRPG ever created. - The Daggerfall Sound Designers - Bethesda for the Oblivion CS. 11. Oblivifall modules and Daggerfall-related mods by the Community To know which Oblivifall modules have been released or are in the works, either search for the word “Oblivifall” on the website where you downloaded this mod, or visit the project’s official thread: If you want to extend furthermore your Daggerfallesque experience, I recommend you to take a look at the Daggerfallesque Mod List in this link: