Note: Im not the autor of any animantion, im only choose my favorite combination of animations Replaces Animations of: Onehand TwoHand Bow Staff Jump Sneak Cast Spells Devil May cry Smocking Sick Style (Royalguard Beowulf) How to install: Overwrite your Data/Meshes/Characters/_Male Folder with this but dont overwrite the files Upperbodymale, lowerbodymale, handmale, footmale, Upperbodyfemale, lowerbodyfemale, handfemale, footfemale, skeleton, skeletonbeast, (if you dont have to overwrite this files delete them once the other files are in your Data/Meshes/Characters/_Male Folder) Thanks to: Elysees Reira Beni Shaklin Keter Sephiroth Seph Sinkpoint reso