------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KAREW MANOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1c Corey Csuhta Coding/Modding/Concept Website: http://cjcsuhta.com Contact: http://cjcsuhta.com/contact Brittany Cunningham as the voice of Alma Karew Contact: shinimitsukai at gmail dot com PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE README. IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. EMAILS WITH QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY THIS README WILL BE MOCKED AT THE AUTHOR'S DISCRETION AND WILL PROBABLY RECEIVE A REPLY WITH A COPY OF THE README ATTACHED, IF AT ALL. UPDATES/VERSION CHANGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 First release. 1.1 Fixed container bugs in the lectern and desk. They are now custom objects. Deleted the clutter sack in the basement. Added stone walls around the road to the manor. 1.1b No actual mod changes. Updated documentation and re-released for posterity. 1.1c No actual mod changes. Updated documentation and re-released for posterity. INSTALLATION STEPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: If you are upgrading, please read the UPGRADING section carefully. 1. Unzip all contents to Oblivion/Data/ 2. Enable the KarewManor.esp file in the Data Files menu of the Oblivion launcher. 3. Enjoy. UPGRADING STEPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: If you are upgrading from a previous version, I STRONGLY suggest you pick up and carry out all of your loot from the Manor, make a save somewhere else in the world, and then follow the instructions below, as some upgrades may cause items to unexpectedly be DELETED from containers/cells in the Manor. I will attempt to test and post info if an upgrade will cause old items to vanish, but I cannot be responsible for your items disappearing during an upgrade. You were warned. PS: An easy way to carry everything is to enable God mode by opening the console with ~ and typing TGM. This will prevent you from being over-encumbered. Repeat those keystrokes when you're done to play fairly again. 1. Unzip all contents to Oblivion/Data/ 2. Enable the KarewManor.esp file in the Data Files menu of the Oblivion launcher. 3. Enjoy. UNINSTALATION STEPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Do not disable this mod without first taking all of your loot from the manor and saving OUTSIDE, preferably far from the manor. Otherwise, it will VANISH, and you will cry. Your character will also probably be stuck either in black space, or ejected to some weird spot on the map. See the UPGRADING section. 1. In game, pick up all items from the manor you want to keep, and carry them outside somewhere in the world, preferably far away from the manor. 2. Save your game. I suggest an alternate save file to allow for backup recovery should something strange go wrong. 3. Open the Oblivion launcher and disable KarewManor.esp. Close the launcher. 3. Delete KarewManor.esp from your Oblivion/Data/ directory. 4. Delete the KarewManor.esp folder inside your Oblivion/Sound/Voice/ directory. QUEST GUIDE AND FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karew Manor is an extensive Imperial City-style house available for purchase near Wawnet Inn, which is outside the Imperial City's Talos Plaza, across the bridge. Rather than just simplifying the process and dumbing down the game by allowing the player to own the house automatically, Karew Manor must be purchased via a semi-traditional quest given by Alma Karew, who can be found outside the manor door from 8AM to 8PM. You must have a fame of at least 15 and raise her disposition to 70 or higher to inquire about the purchase. The house costs 50,000 septims, but comes completely furnished; there are no packages to buy. The house does not come with any clutter besides paintings and wall tapestries; you must decorate it yourself. Manor Features: --------------- 1. A large array of display cases in every room for showing off treasure. 2. Empty shelves, containers, cabinets, barrels, crates, and drawers to store further treasure. 3. Faction shrines. (See below.) 4. A lab/study in the attic. 5. A magic target, body dummy, and two archery targets in the basement. 6. A manor key and deed. 7. Trash barrels to dump unwanted items into. (Respawns and eats your items.) 8. The ability to fast travel from the ground floor, so you don't have to walk outside. 9. Nothing to unbalance the game in any way. No hidden loot and no magic NPCs. Faction Shrines: ---------------- If you haven't advanced very far in the game, you may notice that the upstairs lobby is quite bare. As you achieve a middle rank in each of the game's factions, display cases, tapestries, and wall furnishings appear to represent your devotion to that faction and store your treasure from those quests. 1. Apprentice Mages will install a Spellmaking/Enchanting altar combo, as well as a container for soulgems. 2. Journeyman Fighters will install a display case and a heraldry plaque. 3. Footpad Thieves will install a display case, podium, and a large version of the Grey Fox wanted poster. 4. Slayers of the Dark Brotherhood will install a display case, as well as the Brotherhood's custom tapestries. 5. Knight Brothers/Sisters of the Blades or the Champion of Cyrodiil will install a table, candle shrine, and display Akaviri katanas. NB: There is no shrine for the Arena, because it is not really a faction in the sense of a guild, and you receive almost no treasure from completing it. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Omg, my itens disappeared after I got a new version of your house! WTF! HAX! A. Obviously, you didn't read this whole readme. Q. Why is the house so expensive? Why do I need 15 fame? A. Have you not tried to buy more than a shack in the original game? Houses cost an arm and a leg. Also, for many of the more expensive houses, the landlord only considers buyers of distinction. Q. Why won't Alma tell me about the house? A. You need to raise Alma's disposition to 70 and have at least 15 fame for her to consider you. Q. Where did Alma go? Does she do anything else after she sells me the house? A. She departs for Vvardenfell soon after she sells you the house. (Actually, a script disables her, but let's pretend we're in it for the RPG factor.) Q. Why isn't there any clutter in the house? I want some cups/bread! A1. I'm lazy. A2. I don't want to decorate with magic respawning clutter and food. A3. Some players may not like how I decorated the house. A4. Decorating yourself can be fun. Q. The Trash Barrels ate my items! A. Duh! Q. Alma Karew killed me! A. LMAO! KNOWN BUGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you discover any problems you believe are bugs, please contact me ASAP. GAME CHANGES AND COMPATIBILITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod adjusts external objects in the Tamriel worldspace at (-2,14) Wilderness, (-2,15) Wilderness, and (-3,15) Wilderness. It may not be compatible with other mods that create changes the same locations. This mod uses the prefix Aub174 for all new objects/scripts/quests/topics it adds to the game. It should not conflict with any other mod that adds custom objects, unless that mod somehow decides to use my developer token as well. If you discover any problems you believe are being caused by conflicts with other mods, please contact me ASAP. LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2007, Corey Csuhta http://cjcsuhta.com All Rights Reserved. You may not, in whole or part, redistribute this mod, or use any of its sound files, dialog scripts, or NPC/location names for any means without first contacting me for written permission. You may not mirror, host, or store this file on a public FTP/HTTP/SFTP/LDAP CVS/SVN or any other electronic file storage server without first contacting me for written permission. Backup copies on CD/DVD/external media are permissible, so long as that media is only stored for personal recovery. This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "AS IS" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.