Mod: Labyrinth of the Lost 1_0 Game: TES IV: Oblivion Author: David Brasher Tileset Author: Phitt Other mods or DCL required: None Release Date: 7/10/11 ************************************************************************ CONTENTS ************************************************************************ 1. Information on the Mod 2. Installation 3. Version History 4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting 5. Copy Status and Credits ************************************************************************ 1. INFORMATION ON THE MOD ************************************************************************ This mod adds a really tough maze that was made using the Old School Dungeons Tileset. The maze was carefully designed to defeat the system where you find your way through a maze by always turning left or always turning right. Those approaches will not work on this maze. In the maze, there are monsters, a few traps, and loot. The maze is so huge and takes so long to complete that it is not a challenge to be undertaken by the faint of heart. To start the maze, go to the Blue Road leading to Cheydinhal. At the intersection of the road and the turn-off to Roland Jenseric's cabin, you will meet a High Elf in a black robe. Talk to him. The local area map in this mod is tricky. Portions of it have been blanked out. This is so that you have to look at your surroundings rather than just always using the map as a crutch. What is the point of a tricky maze if you have a map showing you the way through it? This dungeon is properly path-gridded, but due to teleporting, it will not work right with companions unless they are the sort who teleport to catch up with you when you are separated. This mod is better suited to higher level characters than lower ones. It is better suited to characters who know and use a lot of magic than to those who do not. The mod is still playable if you are not high level and not a magic user, but will present more of a challenge. In one play-test, I used a level-3 Witchhunter and only died twice. This mod may take a long time to complete. The last play-test took two and a half hours. I was slowed down by my weak and fragile character, but sped up by the fact that I personally built the maze myself the day before and remembered a lot about how it was laid out. But it is such a complex maze that I got seriously lost at one point. The treasure at the end of the maze includes, among other things, a retextured sword, a retextured mage robe, and retextured thief gloves. After you complete the maze, you may want to go hunt down the boss and have a boss battle. He is not in the maze. At that point you will know where to find him, and may be very eager to go hurt him. Beware. He might try to cast his spell on you again. Even if he doesn't use that one, he has a lot of health points and knows some powerful ranged destruction spells. The mazes can be rather tough, so a spoiler document with a map and information on some of the tougher challenges is in included in the download. Two dungeons in one download: This mod is structured as an .esm containing the tileset and an .esp containing my dungeon. The dungeon from the original Old School Dungeons mod is included in the .esm and is playable, but can only be reached by using this console code: COC AADDDungeon With it being structured this way, mod conflicts with the original mod and those mods which expand upon it are prevented. Another reason to make it this way is for ease of modding. The original mod is a modders resource, and this mod is too. Anyone can take the .esm from this download and master their .esp to it and easily make a new dungeon using this tileset without having to worry about mod merging or mastering one .esp to another .esp which is a virtual .esm (with all the unspeakable fun that involves.) So this is a modders resource and was structured so modders could easily use it. Just grab the .esm and go build a dungeon. (Maybe I could play it when you get done.) If you enjoy this maze, you might enjoy another mod that was made using this tileset: "An Old School Dungeon" It is a 23-cell dungeon focusing on mazes and puzzles, but still containing traps and combat. ************************************************************************ 2. Installation ************************************************************************ You must install and activate both the .esp and .esm to make this mod work. This mod is not dependant on the original Old Schools Dungeon mod and you do not need to have it installed or active, but you can if you want to. Extract (decompress) the .esp .esm, meshes, textures, and sounds to your Oblivion directory. The default is: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\ Mark the boxes next to the "Old School Dungeons.esm" master and the "Labyrinth of the Lost.esp" plugin. Alternately, extract someplace else. Then move the .esp, .esm, meshes, textures, and sounds to Oblivion\Data. If asked if it is okay to merge folders, say yes. Mark the box next to the plugin and the master. ************************************************************************ 3. Version History ************************************************************************ V 1.0 7/10/11 Initial release. ************************************************************************ 4. Conflicts, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting ************************************************************************ This mod will not work if you do not install the meshes and textures where they go and if you do not install both the .esp and .esm. Maze mods are intensely frustrating and should not be played by everyone. If you get stuck, open the spoiler document folder and look at the image included in it. If you know how to use the CS, you can open the mod in the CS to get a better look at how to get through the maze. If it is still too tough, then remove this mod from your computer and do not play it. Mods are supposed to be fun, and if it isn't fun for you, then don't feel bad about quitting. This mod has been designed so that its .esm will not conflict with the original Old School Dungeons mod or the mods that expand and finish that dungeon. So far there has not been enough play-testing done on this mod. If you locate a bug, contact David Brasher on TES Nexus so that the situation can be examined and can hopefully be fixed. ************************************************************************ 5. Copy Status and Credits ************************************************************************ Credits: Phitt for the Old School Dungeons tileset at Antares86 for mod concept and technical advice on maze construction. Bethesda for making Oblivion in an open format anyone can mod. Copy Status: This is a modders resource which is based on another modders resource. It is public domain if you include the authors' names in your credits and provide me with courtesy notification stating that you have used things from my mod in your upload. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************