************************************************* The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Antares' Creatures - Frost Giant by Arcimaestro Antares ************************************************ Index: 1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. Credits & Usage 4. Contacts 5. My Mods 6. Mod Suggested ************************************************ 1. INTRODUCTION This mod adds a new creature, the Frost Giant, in Solstheim. One of them, is located in the Castle Karstaag area. The other one, is in the Moesring Mountains Region. They are unique creatures, and do not respawn. They have rieklings or snow wolves as companions. This mod requires BLOODMOON ************************************************ 2. INSTALLATION To install the plugin, unzip the files into the Morrowind/Data Files directory. Run the Morrowind Launcher program. Select Data Files. Double click "Antares' Creatures - Frost Giant" *********************************************** 3. CREDITS & USAGE I (Antares), have modelled the creature using meshes and textures made by Bethesda for Morrowind and animated it. Feel free to use this creature in your own mods. *********************************************** 4. CONTACTS If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, criticisms, please, contact me at: brannart2000@yahoo.it I always answer my eMails. Just make sure that you put something about this mod in the subject field. If you make any change to this mod that makes it better, please, tell me! : ) ************************************************ 5. MY MODS do not forget to give a look at my other mods on PlanetElderScrolls: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.EntriesListing&id=136072 ************************************************ 6. MOD SUGGESTED Here is a list of my favourite mods that every player should have. http://arcimaestroantares.webs.com/ ************************************************ Arcimaestro Antares