CM Pym by chakaru11 -------------------- Requirements: -------------------- The latest Oblivion Patch CM Partners esm That's it. ----------------- Location: ----------------- The West Weald Inn in Skingrad. She is on the top floor. ---------- Details ---------- Name: Pym Race: Moonshadow elf custom Class: Blademaster Level off-set: 2 combat style: powerattack custom items: armor mash - up, head piece, ring misc: A white, huge body tatoo underneath all that armor. Oh, and a custom combat voice by me. Whee! Pym is a grumpy, short blademaster CM partner who is currently wasting her time making "Do not want!" faces at everyone who happens to hang around on the top floor of the West Weald Inn in Skingrad. Toss her a few coins of gold and she'll follow you into battle. You might want to get her a descent sword though, at the moment she is walking around with a flimsy glass dagger. MY BABY <3 What else is there to say? When I rediscovered Oblivion about two years ago, Pym was the very first character I made. She came into existence a few days after the Moonshadow Elves mod was released. Later on I played other characters, but Pym was always with me as a companion. I love her grumpy face and no-nonsense attitute. She is there to get the job done, so don't bother her with sob stories or other useless crap. Also: she prefers monochrome clothing and armors. Black and white ftw. Her favorite weapons are dual weild swords, but you know, just give her a good, sharp blade and everything's golden. -------------------- Technical Stuff -------------------- The race is technically a Moonshadow Elf/Lop Ears Elf mix with Persocom eyes thrown in. I included all the meshes and textures, so the race is STANDALONE. Pym has a custom face texture by me, which was created to work with the Moonshadow head mesh and body texture. Her huge body tatoo is also by me. The reactions tab of the race is a little screwy, so aside from the player character, Pym has no friends. She makes "Grr" faces at almost everyone she meets. I stripped the race of the special abilities the original Moonshadow Elves have so Shivering Isles are no longer a requirement. Beware: just in case you want to use this race for your own PCs... Pym is tiny. She's 0.9300. Just so you know. XDD As mentioned above, the race also has it's own, shiny combat voice. Custom items Pym comes with a custom armor mash - up (which is actually just an edited version of KURESE's Eisenplatte armor) including a retextured head piece by Gizmodian and a custom ring by me. The head piece is attached to her cuirass, but she also carries an amulet version of it around just in case you want to give her a different armor. Pym is just not the same without that head piece XD The ring actually has a tiny particle effect, so if you look closely, you might see a few ickle, blue ice crystals floating around close to her right hand. It's not to obvious, so your FPS should be fine. Enchantments: The head piece is enchanted with blade grand, the ring adds 30 life points. Nothing big. -------------------- LEGAL STUFF -------------------- Moonshadow Elf Race: by Sulpyun PERSOCOM eyes: by Desuchan aka MissAniThrope head piece: by Gizmodian <3 Eisenplatte armor: by KURESE cape: by hentai ("Plate of the Shadow") skirt: by Eyren ("Queen's armory") face texture, ring, body tatoo and combat voice: by me I double checked the credits for the armor mash-up and KURESE, Eyren and hentai all have a "Use this mod however you like" policy stated on their download pages. I did not edit any of the meshes in any way, I only added the shoulder cape and the long skirt. Please do not upload Pym on any other websites, kay? She's my baby. Use her in your game, take tons of screenshots (screenshots make chak very happy), have fun. That be all.