The Elder Scrolls IV: OBLIVION ================== Compatibility Patch for MTC Extended Villages and Faregyl Village v 1.0 ================== By dreamed1 5/03/12 1. Description 2. Requirements 3. Installing the plug-in 4. Playing the plug-in 5. Save games 6. Conflicts/Known Errors 7. Credits/Permissions received 8. Contact and Information 9. Legal Stuff/Disclaimer =============== 1. DESCRIPTION =============== Compatibility Patch to allow users to play Nernie's "MTC Expanded Villages" mod alongside Arthmoor's Faregyl Village mod. Nernie's mod expands on several of the villages in Oblivion. It adds a shop and shopkeepers to Faregyl. This patch simply moves the shop to an unused patch of ground across from the blacksmith in Arthmoor's Faregyl Village so there's no conflicts. The shop actually fits in quite well and makes a nice addition to Arthmoor's village. =============== 2. Requirements =============== Requires: * Nernie's MTC Expanded Villages mod: * Arthmoor's Faregyl Village mod: * If you use Unique Landscapes, you'll need the patch for MTC Expanded Villages: As a side note, I also have a compatibility patch if you use Region Revive-Lake Rumare: ======================== 3. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN ======================== IMPORTANT! READ THIS! 1. MTC Expanded Villages needs to be cleaned with TES4Edit. This guide explains how to clean dirty mods: 2. If you already use MTC Expanded villages, you MUST perform a clean save before installing Faregyl with this patch: Make a regular save (not a quick or autosave), deactivate the MTCExpandedVillages plugin, launch the game again and make another regular save. Activate the three esp's and you should be good to go. 3. It's highly recommended that you use BOSS to set your load order. This patch must, obviously, load after both MTC Expanded Villages and Faregyl. ===================== 4. PLAYING THE PLUGIN ===================== If you've followed the installation instructions, that should be all there is. Play and enjoy. =============== 5. SAVE GAMES =============== This patch does move around a few persistent references from the MTC Villages mod, so a clean save is required if you are already using that mod (see installation instructions above). There should be no problems if you have only been using Arthmoor's Faregyl mod. If you decide to discontinue using the two mods together (with the patch), but want to continue using only MTC Expanded Villages, a clean save would be required at that point too. ============================ 6. CONFLICTS / KNOWN ERRORS ============================ Since Nernie's mod alters Weye, there are many, many known conflicts. Basically any mod that alters Weye is likely to conflict. Obviously that includes AFK_Weye. For Region Revive: Lake Rumare, I have a link to my compatibility patch above. ================================ 7. CREDITS / PERMISSIONS RECEIVED ================================ Basically all credit goes to Nernie and Arthmoor for their original mods. Also shademe for the construction set extender which makes these kinds of patches possible. ========================== 8. CONTACT AND INFORMATION ========================== Contact me by PM at Bethsoft forums or the Nexus. ========================= 9. LEGAL STUFF/ DISCLAIMER ========================= You're free to edit, revise, fix, repair or ruin this patch as you see fit. Don't do anything to the original mods though.