Qaws Race Pack By: Qawsed Asap What this mod provides is a series of beast races. Reason behind this mod creation is because I held this project off for over two years and its just sat in my hard drive. With that said: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: -Before install this mod, its a good idea to install the UOP, an alternate start mod, or a mod that would let you use a race mod. -Just place the Meshes, Texture, and the esp file into the Data Folder. -In the extra folder, there are Body Replacer folder, Npc Patch folder, and Screenie folder. If one is using a body replacer mod, go to the Body Replacer folder and pick the folder, open it and drop the Texture folder into the Data Folder. For best result, go to the Oblivion.ini found in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion. Open up the Oblivion.ini and switch the bFaceGenTexturing from 1 to a 0, just like this: bFaceGenTexturing=0 -If you don't like it, just turn the bFaceGenTexturing on. Oh, and its censored/no extra texture glorifying the body. -Now then, if you do not like being the only [Insert Beast Race in this mod] in Cyrodiil, go to the Npc Patch folder. There is a patch for the following: Crowded Roads Revisited ( Crowded Roads Advanced ( Any of the Crowded Cities mod the with the Crowded Cities 15.esp and Crowded Cities 30.esp CM Partners ( -It is important that if you use any other of the extra patch or esp that you place them AFTER the Qaws Race Pack Beta.esp in the load order. Like this for example: -Qaws Race Pack Beta -Some mod -Some Other Mod -Qaws Road Patch Revisited -CM Qaws Beast Race Companion -Some mod that you forgot it exist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the Race Infomation: Alsaitu Based Upon: German Shepherd Race Bonus: - Thick Coat - Ability - Resist to Poison/Disease while having a health regen - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Quick Parry - Lesser Power - Resist Normal Weapon of 25 Magnitude for Duration of 20 Background lore: The Alsaitu are call the eastern part of Cyrodiil their home, namely the Nibenay Basin and the Valus Mountains. For centuries, the Alsaitus thrives within these forested area and sometime offer their services in guiding the men within the land. In the presents, the Alsaitu can be found throughout Cyrodiil, though its not common to find a Alsaitu hunter in the Nibenay area. They seem to be more well rounded compare to their canine friends, so they are willing to take any trade without any difficulty. Dalmura Based Upon: Dalmatian Race Bonus: - Dalmura Resistance – Ablitiy – 25 Magnitude on both Fire and Ice Resistance. - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Life Detector - Lesser Power - A toggleable Life Detect ability Background lore: The Dalmura call the southern region of Skyrim their home. Their potent use of magic and swordplay make them sorted as Spellswords. Before the proto-man was in total control of Skyrim, the lands were rule by the Mer. At that time, the Dalmuras were slaves to the Mer that live under their rule in Skyrim. Most were condition to become their guards by exposing fire and cold magic to become resist to both elements while given a large dose of magic energy to make them use magic themselves. It was not until when Ysgramor and his Five Hundreds Companions drove out the Mer when the Dalmura made their escape or revolt from their master and living low in the undergrounds or high as ridged as the mountain sides. They remain to themselves right until somewhere in the early part of the Third Era where the Dalmura start to contact with the surrounding neighbor by trade and merchants. It is through this where some of the younger generations start to travel all over Tamriel At the present, the Dalmura can be found living throughout Tamriel. Due to their past, many became guards for merchants as their trade, though it is not common that some also join the Mages Guild to practice their magical side. Some Dalmuras also has some sort of sixth sense of detecting creatures lurking within their area. Doberaga Based Upon: Doberman Pinscher Race Bonus: - Blood Thrist - Power – A handful have this power; able to unlock the savage power from within to increase in power while demolishing fatigue of their foe. - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Magical Influx - Ability – Resist Magic and Spell Absorption at 25 Magnitude each Background lore: The Doberaga call the mountain range bordering the southern east part of Hammerfell their home. These canine races specialize in direct combat and are very resistance to spell. It was said that their origin revolved around during the Merethic Era, where Molag Bal decided to corrupt a group of tribes to become these vicious beasts that terrorizes the region. Though the Doberagas became "domesticated" as the decades past, they were now with war with the Orsimer for land in Hammerfell. Near the end of the First Era, the Redguard force the Orsimer, the Doberaga, and all other beasts and men to the mountains to make way to establish their nation. The Doberagas has long since revenge on the Redguard for losing their land. They got their revenge when the Empire allows the Doberaga to be part of their league in trade for information and shock troops in order to take Hammerfell and beat the Redguards into their Empire during the Second Era. In current time, the Doberaga can be found living throughout Tamriel, though they still harbor a bit of bitterness from the Orsimer, namely that the Orsimer's rival race became recognized as a civil race with ease long before the Orsimer has a chance to even try to be recognize their right. Some of the Doberagas also has a Power that allow them to get into a vicious combat mode that rival both the Redguards and Orsimers that demolish the foe's fatigue as well as being buff up in other attributes. Drover Collies Based Upon: Border Collie Race Bonus: - Herder's Instinct - Power - Command Creature spell with user gaining some armor on the side - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - toggleable - Hyperactive - Ability - Constant self Restore Fatigue at 10 Magnitude Background lore: The Drover Collie are native in the land of Cyrodiil, living within the jungle that thrives throughout the province; that is until later when the jungle disappear and forcing these canine race into the Empire. When the Drover Collie were integrated into the Empire, many choose the path of herding sheep and cattle in the newly form land. Their energetic perk allow them to perform those task and prolong any activated they get involved with. Of course, many other choose to live in the cities and become part of the rest of society. Kaftara Based Upon: Striped Hyena Race Bonus: - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Savannah Fire - Ability - Resist to Fire, Paralysis, and Disease - Blazing Fist - Power - Fatigue your foes with a fiery punch while granting a fire shield Background lore: The Kaftara, among the other tri-race of the Shundwra and the Taslaci, call the coast of the Topal Bay as their home. These races has a strange relationship with each other, whenever they are allies, backstabbers, or saviors among themselves. Due to the prediction of their shamans of the end of the world, these races banded together and hope their unity would make them survive another century. In fact, its through this that they protect themselves from foreigners, like slavers or the Imperial Armies. The Kaftara are more up front and a bit more brutish among the three races, so its not surprising that they tend to be the guards, soldiers, or the laborer of the three races. Inumomo Based Upon: Term Dog and Peach in Japanese Race Bonus: - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Charmer - Ability - Resist Paralysis while having a boost of Personality - Soothing Light - Power - Control an animal and npc to your will while calming them Background lore: The Inumomo seem to be an offshoot of the Labidori, considering their similar appearances. This might be the case when some of the Inumomo believe that they were blessed with Mara for their compassionate nature. Its through this that the Inumomo was able to live through many centuries of peace among their neighbor with diplomacy and compassion. Nowadays, the Inumomo can be found in cities where they could use their diplomatic skill to the fullest. Labidori Based Upon: Yellow Labrador Race Bonus: Burst of Light – Power – A great light that cure one self of Disease and Poison, while restoring Health and Mana. Healer's Light – Lesser Power – Heal target of Disease, Poison, Paralysis while restoring Health and Fatigue Night Eye – Lesser Power – See in the Dark - toggleable Background lore: Labidori are a group of beast race found within the eastern area where both borders of Hammerfell and High Rock met. They are shown to be great healers, whether its magical or herbal. The Labidori has been rumor to be said that during the Merethic Era, a deity blessed these race with light, mercy and compassion. It’s been debated where the said deity was Mara, Stendarr, or even Meridia. Many took one or all three of these as their deity of choice, though those who look Meridia as their deity did so in secret or as what many women did, joined the Witches Covens that was found throughout Northern Hammerfell and High Rock. Nonetheless, many Labidoris took their blessing and share in a form of healing. There are some accounts that they service as healers during both the Skyrim invasion and the Siege of Orsinium for mostly the Bretons during the earlier eras. However, they remain neutral during the event of the War of Betony where four kingdoms-states fought each other for control of the bay until The Warp in the West occurs. This event causes many Labidori to scatter away from the confusion in search of a much stable life out in Tamriel. In the present, many Labidori can be found living throughout Tamriel, though mostly still reside the border of Hammerfell and High Rock. Like the past, many Labidori became healers by magic or alchemy to help those who are in pain or in need of healing. Lazula Based Upon: Certain Blue Fox Race Bonus: - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Magical Battery - Ability - Resist to Magic while having a large storage of mana and regen it - Reflecting Light - Power - Reflect Spell and Damage to your foes Background lore: The Lazula are an interesting race. It was said they were "created" by the Altmers in the Summerset Isle as living batteries centuries ago. They didn't like their position and the Lazula either revolt or escape. Those that revolted were dead but it bought time for the rest that ran and hide through out Tamriel. Because of their attunement with magic, its very common for a Lazula to become a mage over anything else. Procya Based Upon: Raccoon Race Bonus: - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Trinket Grabber - Lesser Power - Telekinesis - Raccoon's Nimbleness - Ability - Fortify of Agility and Speed while having a regen of Fatigue Background lore: The Procya are a nimble race. Hailing from Northern Valenwoods, these rascal are adapted to the woods and forest. Its because of this, these Procya are agile and quick. They tend to avoid the warfare between the Bosmer and the Khajiit and keep things to themselves. Some Procya might take on questionable professions, like thievery, but many others became scouts, rangers, or even an acrobat to take advantage of their nimbleness. Shundwra Based Upon: Spotted Hyena Race Bonus: - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Savannah Fire - Ability - Resist to Fire, Paralysis, and Disease - Ritualistic Touch - Power - Heal and summon a spirit Background lore: The Shundwra, among the other tri-race of the Kaftara and the Taslaci, call the coast of the Topal Bay as their home. These races has a strange relationship with each other, whenever they are allies, backstabbers, or saviors among themselves. Due to the prediction of their shamans of the end of the world, these races banded together and hope their unity would make them survive another century. In fact, its through this that they protect themselves from foreigners, like slavers or the Imperial Armies. The Shundwra are more shamanish compare to the other tri-races. Its through their wisdom that help guide their race. Taslaci Based Upon: Tasmanian tiger Race Bonus: - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Savannah Fire - Ability - Resist to Fire, Paralysis, and Disease - Scout's Fleece - Power - Blend in with the environment while being nimble Background lore: The Taslaci. among the other tri-race of the Shundwra and the Kaftara, call the coast of the Topal Bay as their home. These races has a strange relationship with each other, whenever they are allies, backstabbers, or saviors among themselves. Due to the prediction of their shamans of the end of the world, these races banded together and hope their unity would make them survive another century. In fact, its through this that they protect themselves from foreigners, like slavers or the Imperial Armies. The Taslaci are the most fragile of the tri-race, but they are also the fastest. They favor hit and run tactics while scouting for danger for either their own race or for the tri-race as a whole. Wolven Based Upon: Wolves Race Bonus: - Blood Thrist - Power – A handful have this power; able to unlock the savage power from within to increase in power while demolishing fatigue of their foe. - Night Eye - Lesser Power - See in the dark - Toggleable - Thick Coat - Ability - Resist to the elements, Poison, and Normal Weapon Background lore: The Wolven are a tribal race found throughout the land. They tend to live in tribes and in the wilderness. Its because of this that they are technically ignored by many invading races due to their lifestyle. In recent times, however, many new generations of Wolven decided to live within the cities walls instead of the wilderness or a better life or opportunity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With that out of the way, lets discuss what other things this mod has to offer: -The race comes with beast leg already place when the player create the PC. If one does not like the beast feet for some reason (like wanting to wear boots), then use the "Remove Feet" spell provided to you. If you want to use the beast foot again, use the spell "Beast Mode". -I made this mod with the latest patch and the crowded mods. I do not know if there is any other mods that would conflict with this mod. -As for body replacer, it comes in Vanilla, HGEC/Exnem, Robert Male, Robert Female, and Fantasy Figure. Vanilla is just a place holder and I would recommend replacing it with a body mod asap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update notice 1.0 - Initial Release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit: MrBob: His resource, MrBob's Oblivion Modders Resource, was the start I need to begin this mod! Cerath: For the pattern of the Skyrim Khajiit and inpsired me to start doing race mods! artifex: The foot script and the Robert texture Base was helpful! SithDagger: For using his Lilmothiit's Exnem Texture as a base! scanti: For the Merged Teeth Resource! Maker of HGEC/Exnem, Robert M/F, and Fantasy Figure: For making the awesome body replacer mod! Cutthroat Mod/Blackie: For making CM Partners Mod Basic Maker/Improver of Crowded Cities/Road mods: for making Cyrodiil a less desolated place! Oblivious12123: Use eye as base until a set was added! KyneTarse: For the source of Toggleable Nighteye! Cernasite: For the wonderful eye set! Ren: For the Awesome Hair set! Vanilla-Beans: For the VB Hair set! kakashisensei2000: for the Short Layered Hair! Lucha and Anto: for the Coolsims Hair Pack! Geechan: Animal Eye Packs! Razorpony: For the Paws! Bethesda Softworks: For making Oblivion and its CS possible! Maker of Photoshop and Niftool: For the awesome tools! Angelinaharijau: For the Dalmation Spot Brush! You: For actually reading this Readme and downloading this mod! I hope I did not miss anyone, because that would be a real shame if I did. Anyways, enjoy the mod!