********** EVERBURNING TORCH ********* ********** BETA 0.5 ********* Greetings, Thank you for choosing this mod. It is the first file for my Tweaked Torches project. Please feel free to offer any criticisms, you can contact me at: roamingcloud53@gmail.com or post on the comment section. I will get to you as soon as possible. Sincerely, Samuruzi 12.28.13 FEATURES: -Lore-Friendly -Everburning Torch is 50 Gold from Jensine's Good As New Merchandise -Burns twice as long as a regular torch (it is not truly "everburning") -Brightness is larger than a regular torch --------Installation--------- 1. Activate the esp and load 2. Go to Jensine's Good As New Merchandise to buy from Jensine --------Uninstall------------ 1. Deactivate the esp and delete from your Data folder NOTE: Make sure you unequip torch from your hand before uninstalling, or your character's hand will be stuck. To fix, place a regular torch in his/her hand. Additional Info: If you wish to customize the torch, you can find it in the CS under: World Objects\Lights\TorchEverburning Credits: Eggman Bethesda