The ESP requires clothes and hair from Maxim and Dustins Blog It places a girl and a boy in every town. Required from Dustin's and Maxim's Blog: -Newsea Hair -Forest Demon Race (or just the loose hair out of it) -dressed2obsess The ESM is only the race with a girl and a boy that are not placed in game. You can use both to copy the facedata into your own children you would have to create first. They are examples only. Use only the esp or the esm. Not both together. Texture folder is alwys needed, so copy this one into your data folder. My Children are like in Skyrim (more or less) They can't be killed and they run a lot. They have no voice just silent greetings. Thanks to Maxim and Dustin for their Blog and of cause for their fantastic mods! Robert for his wonderful bodymods!