Name: Twilight Vampire Armor Version: 1.0 Date: 15/06/2014 Category: Female Armor Author(s): Xander313 ********************** Description: This is according to my imagination the armor of the Twilight saga... One of these wondrous armor will come directly to your inventory; While if you want to look for other armors (enchanted or not) you have to go inside the barren cave, (South east Cheydinhal)you need kill the vampire Twilight, and with his key, go to the secret room and open the chest that contains the armors... ps.: see screenshoot for more details. ======================================================== Required: * The latest Oblivion Patch. (obviously) * Female Eyecandy Body Replacer Nude by Exnem: ======================================================== Recommended: * OBMM -; * HGEC_Body_v1dot21: * Sexywalks by Mur_Zik:; * HGEC BBB: ======================================================== Installation: After installing the required mods, extract "CM Nora.esp" to the game's Data folder. Make sure to enable it in the Launcher or OBMM. Or...Just copy the files to your Oblivion/Data folder with the rest of your .esp files and put a check next to the esp from the Oblivion Launchers "Data Files" option; ======================================================== Uninstallation: delete the ESP from the data file; ======================================================== Credits: * Thanks to for the one-stop-shop resource for authors and players. * Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for developing an awesome and very flexible game and for providing a great modding tool (TES Construction Set). * Thanks so Much at Tera-online that realized this fantastic armor ( * Thanks to everyone who has downloaded any of my work.And a BIG thank you for all of the endorsements and kind comments! ======================================================== Licensing/Legal: You are free to edit and use this mod as long as it is for personal use. In case you wish to edit and redistribute it in any form, please contact me and the original authors to gain permission (I have done so as well). Enjoy! ======================================================== Contact: You can find me on as "Xander313" Or send me mail ========================================================