Sorry, my English is poor. But I think you can understand. Description Installed many player's home MOD? But never have a reason to "have a good time" in your home? Home is only a decoration in Oblivion? Now, this mod gives you a reason to go home. You can gain buff if you relaxed enough at home, or suffer a debuff from leaving home too long. Features When the player has spend enough time at his(her) home, (s)he will gain a buff effect - "Relaxed state - All attributes +10%" The buff effect will last longer if the player spend more time at home. (but there is a max time limit: 1 day in home can let the buff last about 3 days.) So you don't need to stay home for very long time, 1 day is completely enough. When the player has leave his(her) home too long (about 3days from normal state, or longer from "Relaxed state") , £¨s£İhe will suffer a debuff effect - "All attributes -10%" If the player has leave home even longer(about 7days from normal state, or longer from "Relaxed state"),(s£İhe will suffer a harder debuff effect - "All attributes -20%" To "have a good time" in your home, I recommend you to install a(or some) nice home MOD that you can do something interesting and enjoy the time at home. Like[url=]Shadowcrest Vineyard[/url]. How this mod works? All the homesick state is controled by a value called "Homesick Point", When the player is in cities, wild, dungeons, the "Homesick Point" will grow. (dungeon is the fastest) When the "Homesick Point" is higher than certain value, the player will get a "homesick" and suffer a debuff. But when the player is at home, the "Homesick Point" will be sharply reduced.(To relax mentally and physically) When the "Homesick Point" is lower than certain value, the player will gain the "Relaxed" buff. And the "Relaxed" buff can be removed after the "Homesick Point" growed higher than certain value again. So I recommend you to use [url=]HUD statues Bars[/url] to display the "Homesick Point". Add the following lines to "HUD statues Bars.ini", you can see the "Homesick Point" clearly. The color of the bar can be changed automaticaly with homesick states. Note: XXX and YYY is the position of the bar on screen. Set it yourself. set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "aaHomesickMainQuest.Homesick" set tnoHSB.hud_name to sv_Construct "Homesick" set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "3-2*(aaHomeSickMainQuest.Homesickstate==-1)+9*(aaHomeSickMainQuest.Homesickstate==1)+2*(aaHomeSickMainQuest.Homesickstate==2)" set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "2880" set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct "-720" set tnoHSB.hud_x to XXX set tnoHSB.hud_y to YYY SetStage tnoHSB 10