The Imperial Firmament Version: 14 September 2014 (most recent update of base package) Date: 23 September 2014 (most recent file) Category: Visuals and Graphics Requirements: None, Natural Environment is recommended Author: discovery1 Description =========== (This text is an excerpt from discovery1's page, so it's discovery1 speaking here.) This is my own take on the oblivion sky environment. Being perplexed as to why the sun disspeared with certain weather mods I did some investigation. It appears that certain 'clear day' weathers hide the sun (something that often is mentioned on gaming forums).This seems odd to me. The original 'cloudsclear' vanilla textures dont, the sun is clearly visible. It appears that these updated textures were rendered from bit maps to dds files rather than transparent backgrounds like the originals.I have addressed this with some completely new and radical designs. There are no cloud free textures, I dont like seeing a great expanse of featureless sky..that is not immersive! Ok its a matter of taste..I just love looking at clouds I am a paid up member and anorak... There are Textures for Natural Environments included if you use that mod which is highly recommended. If you use All Natural, choose the Natural Environments option in the All Natural ini file. I dont use any of the other many choices.My mod will work ok if you dont have either of these installed, but they really do make a big difference! Some of the textures, notably the rain and overcast ones are of opaque backgrounds to preclude the sun from breaking through, however the Thunderstorm textures are transparent to give the impression of a dynamic cloud environment with the odd glimpse of the games moons. I think this works quite well and coupled with my realistic raindrop textures gives a more natural and real life like experience. The 'cloudsclear' textures are made from my observations of clouds building on a fine day. The sky background colour will vary according to your set up, I have set it as a low saturation, neutral for realism.All textures are painted using freely available photoshop brushes...with a little adjustment on the opacity for realism and to let the sun be seen! Sit back and watch the clouds build. For the best look possible I have included some ultra 4096*4096 textures there is also a lower rez version of mostly 2048*2048 textures I do not recomend OBGE godrays to be causes smears in the realistic clouds,(and you will gain some fps) It may be alright on some set ups, experimentation may prove me wrong and I have no idea if ENB sunshafts perform the same or not.I have included as an optional file, a pretty decent alternative sunglare texture with the ommision of godrays in mind. I may provide a lens flare version later, I am currently assessing this option. set your ini as follows....or thereabouts as long as the sunglare size is not bigger than the sunbase size! [Weather] fSunGlareSize=250.0000 fSunBaseSize=250.0000 bPrecipitation=1 fAlphaReduce=1.0000 SBumpFadeColor=255,255,255,255 SLerpCloseColor=255,255,255,255 SEnvReduceColor=255,255,255,255