Dynamic Music System Now, you control the music! v1.22 Author: Forli Credits Yali: he asked for an even better music system. That request gave life to the DMS project. Envy123 and Yali: they deserve a medal: their help was essential in solving some nasty bugs and problems. side777: he created BMS, the DMS official predecessor. HawkleyFox and Scanti: for creating EMC and SoundCommands saebel: for his help and support for both DMS and EMC2 shadeMe: CSE is a must while modding! Also I'm using his script to check the location type The OBSE Team: everything works thanks to them! Bethesda: for this blessed game Description You know, in Oblivion we have 4 folders/playlists in Data/Music: Explore, Public, Dungeon and Battle (let's forget about that "Special" folder...). Oblivion use them (respectively) in the wilderness, towns, dungeons and battle. The OBSE plugin Enhanced Music and Control gives you the tools to create more playlists and play them (and many other features...). This way you can have different playlists for different towns, dungeons, regions, etc... But EMC alone only gives you the tools. You need to manually use them in the console or in a mod. That's the reason Better Music System was born: it uses these tools for you, to create many playlists and play them automatically in different locations or during specific events. BMS is a great mod. I used it for years and it works perfectly, but it has some limitations: - Creating a new playlist for BMS is a difficult procedure, which, essentially, require you to create a mod. If you know how to do this, consider yourself lucky, because many players don't really know how to do it. - Only one battle playlist exists and you can't change that. - You can't manage the music anymore, because BMS rule the music land, and music will only follow its hardcoded rules. BMS will nullify any change you'll try to make. Dynamic Music System (or DMS) aims to remove these limitations: - You need a new playlist? Open a file ini with notepad, add the playlist and save. DONE! No need for CS, programming skills or any kind of experience, except for reading a simple manual, which explains how to correctly define a playlist and what it must do. - Battle musics! You can have many! You can define battle musics for specific actors (...yes, you can create Boss Battle musics customized for every actor in the game!), or playlists for any actor which meet some conditions. - DMS take control of the music system, but... you can take control of DMS itself or even disable it! Just dispatch an event to add your playlist at runtime: you can remove it at anytime by dispatching another event. Requirements: - OBSE - Oblivion Script Extender v21 - by ianpatt, behippo, scruggsywuggsy the ferret and shadeMe - EMC2 - Enhanced Music and Control 2 v1.21 - by Forli - REID - RuntimeEditorIDs v5.0 - by shadeMe - Music tracks you want to use for the playlists Recommended: - Tons of music tracks you want to use for the playlists. Incompatibilities: - EMC – Enhanced Music and Control – by HawkleyFox – EMC 2 is the successor and the only supported version. - Any mod which use EMC, like: BMS - BetterMusicSystem – by side777 Installation: - OBMM: the archive is OMOD ready. Create the OMOD and activate it. - Wrye Bash: the archive is BAIN ready. In Wrye Bash, just right click the package and click “Install”. - Manual: extract the archive in the Data folder Finally: activate the esp, prepare your music folders, configure the DMS ini (read the manual) and play. Uninstallation: - OBMM: deactivate the OMOD - Wrye Bash: uninstall the archive - Manual: delete the files you installed Finally: delete the extra music folders (they won't hurt, but Oblivion will not use them anymore...). Configuration: DMS comes with a manual: it's free, and included in this archive. It contains everything you need to know to configure the mod! Some playlists are already configured for you, so you can learn. You're free to use or delete them. Known issues: - None for now. If you find any bug, report it in the Nexus mod page! Change log: v1.22 - Reloading the game cause the current active playlists to fail the re-initialization. FIXED. v1.21 - CRITICAL BUG: A tiny bug cause the end of the world, so all playlists (except the ones which use Location) stop working. FIXED. - Minor problem: The manual was using left and right quotes in examples, but only normal quotes can be used in the ini. FIXED. - Added DMSInfo, a little global variable you can set in the console to obtain some info. v1.2 - Another rewrite: this time, changed the functions which apply the "ruler" - Use the new EMC2 v1.2 features to improve the code in DMS. - Added "NameExplore", "NamePublic" and "NameDungeon" fields, to specify different music paths for different music types on the same playlist. - Improved the usage of Cell types. - Added "DelaySwitch": when the playlist is chosen, it will be delayed for the given time. - Removed the DispatchEvent calls, as they cause random CTD... - Improved the debug mode: more messages and more details. - Many fixes and optimizations. v1.1.1 - Fix a little bug with cell types, where the first cell type you define in the Settings.ini was not registered correctly. - Improved some warning and errors messages. v1.1 - Total rewrite: changed functions to create and choice the playlists, and changed the arrays structures. - Now you can use multiple condition fields in a single playlist. - Now using a multi-condition field won't create a playlist for every specified condition. - Changed MenuCode field from integer to string type. Now it's a multi-conditions field. - Improved the initialization and the debug mode. Now there are 5 debug modes. v1.0.1 - Fixed a bug with the music volume. - Recompiled to work with EMC2 v1.1.2. - Improved the manual by adding/fixing some missing/obscure parts. v1.0 - Initial release Legal and permissions: - Redistribute: not allowed without my permission. - Release a patch/fix/update: not allowed without my permission. I suggest you report the bugs instead. - Release an addon which require DMS: allowed, but give me credits. - Conversion: allowed, but give me credits and send me a link when you'll release it. - If you asked me for any permissions on NexusMods, but I don't reply in 15 days, consider the permission grant.