Name: Improved Vanilla Architecture Resource Pack Version: V 1.0 Date: 04/27/2015 Category: Modder Resources Requirements: Oblivion CS and whatever other tools you prefer Author: mhahn123 Description =========== Provides several mesh fixes for the vanilla middle and upper class architecture. Details ======== When I began working on Settlements of Cyrodiil, I wanted each region to have architecture which used the materials unique to that part of the game world. Once work began, I quickly discovered that the vanilla houses are riddled with flaws. In order to do much of anything with the vanilla homes and make them look halfway decent, I first needed to fix them. This pack contains all of the middleclass and upperclass meshes that I have made fixes for so far. My original intention was to provide meshes which are visually correct for anyone wanting to do re-texturing work on these models. However, they can be used as vanilla replacers as well. I am still working on a few more so there will most likely be things added in a later update. What has been fixed?? ======================= Minor things really that most folks probably haven't even noticed. Most of it is Cheydinhal architecture and has to do with either correcting uv maps or plugging holes in the houses. Almost all of them had misaligned LOD doors causing large gaps around the doors. Which won't matter anyway once you place a real door in front of it in game, But it bugged me so I fixed them. Use the following list along with the included screen shots to reference all fixes. CheydinhalHouseMiddle01: 1. Closed a gap on the left side of the LOD door. 2. Adjusted UV maps for one stone panel on lower right side of home. CheydinhalHouseMiddle04: 1. Adjusted uv maps for stone panel to left of door steps which was much larger than everything else on the house. The Cheydinhal textures are good for masking problems like this so it's difficult to see. But once you assign a new texture onto the building it stands out. CheydinhalHouseMiddle06: 1. Closed a gap around the LOD door. 2. Filled in a missing wood frame piece under the upper left side eaves. 3. Adjusted uv maps on two stone panels on the left side of house. CheydinhalHouseUpper02: 1. Closed a very large gap around the upper balcony LOD door 2. Filled a small wood frame gap on the lower LOD door. 3. There were 12 railing posts which were left as individual pieces. These have now been merged into the wood framwework. 4. Adjusted UV maps for upper and mid wood frame pieces which had wood grain texture running the wrong direction. CheydinhalHouseUpper03: 1. Fixed wood on door frame which had incorrect plaster texture and fixed uv maps for same as they were never set and were stretching textures out of whack. 2. Closed a small gap above the door. 3. Closed a gap in wood frame to the left of the door. 4. Closed two gaps in the wood framing for the roof tower. 5. Fixed a wood frame piece on right end of house which was incorrectly tied to stonewall texture. 6. Added wood framing along both sides of fireplace because it just looks better. 7. Adjusted uv maps for wood frame pieces which had texture going wrong direction. CheydinhalFightersGuild: 1. Closed a large gap around the lower LOD door. 2. Once again fixed uv maps for several wood frame pieces which had the wood grain texture running the wrong direction. CheydinhalMagesGuild: 1. Closed a gap around the LOD door. 2. Filled several wood frame gaps on the roof tower 3. Yet again adjusted uv maps on several wood frame pieces to make the wood grain line up properly. ChorrolHouseMiddle07: 1. Adjusted uv maps for the small dormer roof. Shingle texture was all botched. Contents ======== Meshes folder contains 1 each of the following: CheydinhalFightersGuild01 CheydinhalHouseMiddle01 CheydinhalHousemiddle04 CheydinhalHouseMiddle06 CheydinhalHouseUpper02 CheydinhalHouseUpper03 CheydinhalMagesGuild01 ChorrolHouseMiddle07 There are no textures included since everything uses vanilla textures. Install ======= These are resources only with no .esp included. You can drop these in as vanilla replacers. If you are using the Unofficial Oblivion Patch be sure to have these meshes overwrite the UOP meshes which do not contain my fixes. Alternately these can be retextured and used to create new items in the CS. It is assumed the end user already knows how to do that. For those new to modding the basic steps are as follows: 1. Drop the contents into your Oblivion Data Folder, or integrate into your mod files using the mod manager of your choice. 2. Open up the construction set and create new items using the meshes supplied in this package. 3. Example - Load CS. Find HouseLower01 in the static section. Double click to open the dialogue box. Click on the button with the .nif name and point it to one of the new meshes from this package. Rename and click ok. You will be asked if you want to create a new object.....say YES. DO NOT save changes to vanilla objects unless you purposely want to change every instance of that object in your game. 4. Place the new items wherever you want them. 5. Save your new plugin file. Credits ======= Bethesda - for Oblivion and the CS Blender & Nifskope - for the tools that made this possible. LHammonds - for the readme generator this file was based on me - for the time it took to assemble all this stuff Legal Stuff =============== These materials are being distributed as a free to use modder resource package. Use in your own projects requires no additional permissions. I do ask that you mention me in your credits as a small courtesy.