Version 2.0 Real Time by glowplug (aka krahvaal) This mod displays your system time on the in game screen of Oblivion. Dependencies: ============= OBSE MenuQue Credits: monkeyangie - who thought of this and posted in Mod Requests on Nexus Oblivion forli - who just about wrote this with examples and corrections let alone pointing me to documentation I'd foolishly overlooked. If I've missed anyone then I apologize, pm me so I can fix it. For full documentation including color-picker go to your Oblivion installation under Data\Docs\kvRealTime02\kvRealTime02.html The settings are in inside your Oblivion installation under Data\kvRealTime02.ini Right click that file for Open With - > Notepad or your preferred text editor. Coordinates: ============ Fraction of screen 0 to 1 or pixels set kvQstRealTime01.fPositionX to 0.01 set kvQstRealTime01.fPositionY to 0.5 Color: ====== Hexadecimal color as used by HTML, Photoshop and GIMP. set kvQstRealTime01.strColor to sv_Construct "#ffffff" Font: ===== Oblivion fonts 1, 2, 3 or 5 and anything else defaults to 5 set kvQstRealTime01.iFont to 12/24 Hour ========== 24 hour... set kvQstRealTime.i24Hour to 1 12 hour set kvQstRealTime.i24Hour to 0