The Apprentice. Passive: Inexperienced - Your intelligence is lowered by 10, Your skill in destruction is lowered by 15, your magicka is slowly restoring itself 4 points per second passively., you have a weakness to magic 25% The Atronach. Passive: Rock Skin - Your speed lowered by 15, Endurance/Strength increased by 10, Fortify magicka by 25, spell absorption 50%, Shield aka base armor increased by 15, magicka is stunted. The Lover. Passive: Appeal - Strength lowered by 25, personality increased by 25, illusion increased by 15, conjuration increased by 10. Spells: Call Daedra - Summon a Xivilai to your aid for one minute. Lover's Seduce: Charm and Calm by 100% via touch The Ritual. Passive: Life or Death - Your health slowly drains passively by 1 per second, your endurance, destruction, and restoration increased by 10. Spell: Will To Live - Cast to reduce the ritual's curse and slowly heal yourself 3 points per second and increase your will power by 25 for 30 minute. Resurrection: Resurrect the dead for 60 seconds, your magicka is damaged by 5 points per second up to 60 seconds. The Serpent. Passive: Cold Blooded, 25% resist fire, 25% weakness to frost. Cobra's Bite: Paralyze others via touch for 5 minutes. Snake's Bite: deal 5 points of damage per second up to a minute via touch and damage enemy's strength by 25 points. The Shadow. Passive: Transparent, Agility increased by 10, Sneak increased by 30. Resist Normal Weapons 25%, Sun damages you 1 per second if you're out during the day. Weakness to fire 10%. Spell: Blend In - Chameleon 50%, fortify speed by 25. The Thief. Passive: Thievery - luck and security increased by 15, sneak increased by 20. The Tower. Passive: Childhood Past - Intelligence decreased by 10, speed and endurance increased by 10. The Warrior. Passive: Veteran - Intelligence decreased by 50, strength increased by 15, health increased by 25, base armor increased by 15. Spell: Master's Key - Open ANY lock lock, you are silenced for 30 seconds, preventing you from casting any other spells. The Lady. Passive: Charm - Luck damaged by 10, Agility/personality increased by 10, fatigue increased by 25, Illusion increased by 10. Spell: Natural Charm: Charm others via touch by 35%. The Mage. Passive: Old Age - Fatigue is slowly draining 3 point per second, strength/Intelligence raised by 25, Destruction raised by 15. The Lord. Passive Commanding Aura, personality, willpower, and restoration increased by 10, passively restore health by 3 per second. Spell's Lord's Command: Command any creature via touch for 60 seconds The Steed. Passive: Built like a horse. Endurance is increased by 25 points, strength is raised by 10, fatigue raised by 50 points. Sprint: Increase your running speed by 50 points, fatigue and magicka is damaged 3 - 5 points per second for 5 seconds.