V 1.0.1 J'skar Restored by Cultist_O Disclaimer: It's been approximately 20 months and 200 unique users with no bug reports, but: THIS IS MY FIRST MOD! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! BACKUP YOUR SAVES! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! THIS COULD RUIN EVERYTHING! Description: Simple mod to keep J'skar enabled after beginning the quest "The Bloodworm Helm". - Removes the script which normally disables J'skar - Adds AI to J'skar while he stays at the Arcane University - (1 sleep & 2 wander packages) - Optionally adds AI to return him to the Bruma Mages' Guild once it is rebuilt by SSJ Heero's "Bruma Mages Guild Restored" or Arthmoor's "Bruma Guild Reconstructed" and adds AI while he is there (see instructions below) - (1 sleep, 2 wander & 2 eat packages) - Fixes a bit of dialogue in "A Plot Revealed" wherein J'skar will continue to talk about his plan to leave Bruma and go to the Imperial City even after making the trip. Note: J'skar will not return to the Bruma guild so long as he feels threatened by Mannimarco. (That is "Confront the King" must be completed) Instructions: USE ONLY ONE .esp! Place it in your Oblivion\Data folder, and enable it with your mod-loader or launcher - Use only "J'skarRestored.esp" if you DO NOT have "Bruma Mages Guild Restored" installed, OR DO NOT want J'skar to return to Bruma. - Use only "J'skarRestored for BrumaMGRestored.esp" only if you DO have "Bruma Mages Guild Restored" installed, AND DO want J'skar to return to Bruma. - Use only "J'skarRestored for BrumaGReconstructed.esp" only if you DO have "Bruma Guild Reconstructed" installed, AND DO want J'skar to return to Bruma. If using Bruma Mages Guild Restored or Bruma Guild Reconstructed, load it before this mod. Both back to Bruma versions likely require the Unofficial Oblivion Patch to allow him to leave the Arcane University Installing or Changing Versions after the fact: - If installing this mod after J'skar has already been disabled (that is to say after beginning the quest "The Bloodworm Helm") you will have to re-enable him using the following 3 console commands while standing somewhere relatively normal: ~ prid 1cef1 moveto player enable ~ - If switching between versions while J'skar is already at the university, you will have to run 2 commands to let him out: ~ prid 1cef1 1CEF1.SetFactionRank 4d16f 0 ~ Change-log: - V 1.0.1: Added bash tags {{BASH:Actors.AIPackages,Scripts}} to the descriptions to help those using Wrye Bash's bashed patch (requested by nexus user Oooiii) Disclaimer again: THIS IS MY FIRST MOD! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! BACKUP YOUR SAVES! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! THIS COULD RUIN EVERYTHING! Credits and links: This mod was inspired by SSJ Heero's "Bruma Mages Guild Restored" https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/12732/ Arthmoor's "Bruma Guild Reconstructed" https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39415/ This mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48250/