Carnhay 2022 Carnhay is town alongside the Gold Road, East from Skingrad. It features 3 stores, 2 Inns, Chapel, Castle, houses and Fighters Guild, Mages Guild and new Adventurers Guild Adventurers Guild has a huge quest containing follower, player home, new fort, lots of dialogue and much more. -You start the quest by talking to Canilia Fulconia at the Guild hall. 60 new NPCs + Guards With own Dialogues 1 New Weapon 'Sword of Rapid Chance', you can buy it from town smith's store The Sharp Stab Every Locked door or chest has a key, which are hidden somewhere nearby or the owner carries it. Installation: Extract everything from Carnhay_7z in to the Oblivion/Data Folder. Also you don't need Carnhays older versions. Please inform me of any bugs you can find Secrets: Old Torture Chambers door needs key which can be found from the shelf of the Captains Quarters in Castle Barracks. Key to the upper chest in Torture chambers is under the book 'Frontier, Conquest' Homtjar is a Mythic Dawn Agent and will attack against you after completing Dagon Shrine Quest of main questline you can move in to his house and you can put your stuff in to the contarainers without fear because they should NOT disappear. Homtjar's house's key is in his pocket.