Unlock Fighters Guild Doors UOP patch v1 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Fixes the locked doors if you have the Unofficial Oblivion Patch installed. I've installed and modded the game, started a new character and immediately found the issue, so I don't know if the patch works for old saves. I think so, anyway try and let me know. Edited records: UOPLowLevelProcFixScript - Removed the Guild Porters from the script list all seven FGGuardPorter (Anvil,Bravil,etc) - Unticked the "No Low Level Processing" flag Requirements: Unofficial Oblivion Patch Intallation: Copy "Unlock Fighters Guild Doors UOP patch.esp" in your Oblivion/Data folder, enable the file in the launcher or mod manager Load Order: After the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp Compatibility: Incompatible with any file that sets the "No Low Level Processing" flag to Fighters Guild Porters. Load the patch after those mods and it's ok Credits: Unofficial Oblivion Patch team for the wonderful work