Name : Vanilla map of Cyrodiil in multi-layers file for translations and other projects Version : 1.0 Author : A0CdT (A . on the french website La Confrérie des Traducteurs) Category : Modders Ressources & Tutorials Description =========== A simple (but long) retexturation for a french project of the vanilla map. Feel free to use in any project, I've changed as little as I could for our translation needs, but you may have other things to erase. The attached .xcf multilayer file is usable with Gimp (, and maybe Photoshop (which I don't use so please don't ask for a Photoshop portage in .psd format. Gimp can export .psd but I believe it's not fully compatible). I've left my translation so you can make quick changes without having to recreate the layers. The original is also there, below. You can easily edit the curved texts by selecting the Text tool, and clic on the layer you want. Gimp will ask if you want to edit, because it will break the curve. You must redraw a path for the desired curve after that. The font used in the vanilla map is Hesperide. For a in-game integration : - export a file named in 2 sizes : 2048x2048 and 1024x1024 (I have some trouble to export in .dds with Gimp, then I export in .tga, open with Paint.NET and export in .dds if it can help) - in \Data\Textures\menus\map\world and \Data\Textures\menus80\map\world place the 2048x2048 file - in \Data\Textures\menus\map\world place the 1024x1024 file In \Data\menus\prefabs\ui_config\map_config.xml you can change the zoom to see all the map (especially the bottom). Try upper valors than 150 in <_mapzoom> . Maybe it'll save you a few hours of work. A . ============================ La Confrérie des Traducteurs Site Oblivion : Forum :