This mod adds a spell merchant who sells two types of reanimate spells and a summon bear spell. You need to have skill points in Conjuration to be able to cast these spells. You can find the spell merchant outside of the Leyawiin stables. Spell merchant also trains Conjuration up to level 75. Reanimate spells work only on NPCs, not on creatures! If you reanimate innocent dead npc and then kill his/hers undead form the game registers it as murder. Summoned bear is as powerful as a summoned clannfear. This is a simple little mod so you can copy or use it in any way you like. I made this mod for myself because i wanted to have these spells but did not want to download a huge spell mod package. This mod adds an x marker for the spell merchant and a spell merchant npc to the LeyawiinStables00 cell. Installation: Drag this zip file's contents to the Oblivion data folder. Then activate mod's data file on the Oblivion launcher's data files section by clicking it. Enjoy :)