OOO Flavor Text by Crackomint, for Extended UI by qwertyasdfgh v1.1 - April 8 2022 ============= This project uses the awesome Extended UI mod to add flavor text to hundreds of items from Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (WalkerInShadows version 1.5+). Not every item is covered, but the majority of armor and weapons are, with a scattering of other items. Please note that this is just for base OOO, and does not cover anything from OOO Extended, OOO Shivering Isles, etc. Un/Installation ============= To use, install the included xml file to Oblivion's Data>Menus>Strings folder, alongside the Oblivion_strings.xml from Extended UI. To uninstall, simply delete OOO_Strings.xml Credits ============= Thank you to qwertyasdfgh for Extended UI Thank you to Sotobrastos, Team Alpha, WalkerInShadows, etc for OOO. I am not affiliated with any OOO developers or maintainers. Changelog ============= 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Fixed an entry, and added more coverage for unique (boss) items