================================================ Ring of the Vipereye - Permanent Stat Bonus Fix Version 1.1.1 (2008-12-23) Created by Pantalaimon ================================================ Index: 1. Description 2. Installation 3. How to Use 4. Conflicts & Known Issues 5. Version History 6. Contact 7. Credits 9. Licensing & Usage ======================================== 1. Description ======================================== This mod is for those stuck with permanent Ring of the Vipereye stat bonuses, regardless of whether or not the ring itself is currently being worn. This is fixed by removing quest association and enchantment effects from all levels of the ring. When I was running Namegduf Live's Quest Award Leveling mod I found I was stuck with three sets of enchantment effects from previous Vipereye versions that were messed up due to the bugged nature of the item. I was frustrated to say the least but in the end was able to create this plugin to fix the problem. ======================================== 2. Installation ======================================== Manual Install -------------- 1. Extract the contents of this archive to the Data folder. You do not need to copy over "omod conversion data" folder, however. 2. Start up the Oblivion Launcher. 3. Click "Data Files" 4. Check the box next to "ring of the vipereye - permanent stat bonus fix.esp" OBMM Install ------------------- 1. In OBMM, click "Create" and then "Add archive". 2. Navigate to where the mod was downloaded, click on the file and click "open". 3. OBMM will inform you conversion data is available; click "yes". 4. Click the "Create omod" button and click Ok when this is completed. 4. Activate the mod. ======================================== 3. How to Use ======================================== 1. Once installed and activated, you'll need to determine how your stats are being effected by former Vipereye rings you've worn. Use the chart below, alongside the status effects page in Oblivion to assist you in this. Form ID Player Level Stat Bonuses ------------------------------------------------------- 0001C4DA - Levels 1-4 (5 Agility, 7 Resist Magicka) 0006B654 - Levels 5-9 (6 Agility, 8 Resist Magicka) 0006B655 0006B656 - Levels 15-19 (8 Agility, 10 Resist Magicka) 0006B657 - Levels 20-24 (9 Agility, 13 Resist Magicka) 0006B658 - Levels 25+ (10 Agility, 15 Resist Magicka) 2. Once you have figured out which version(s) of the ring are effecting you, you'll need to place them in your inventory. Open the console (~) and use the command "player.additem FORMID #" to call them up, replacing "FORMID #" with the form ID given in the table above. 3. Once you have the appropriate rings in your inventory, equip one and save your game manually through the menu. 4. Disable this mod by unchecking its box (either through OBMM, Wrye's, etc..) 5. Load up your manual save and unequip the ring. You'll notice the effects (of that ring) are gone. 6. Repeat steps 3-5 as needed until each ring's effects are disabled. When finished, uncheck the plugin (or delete it entirely). If going through this more than once, be sure to save your game after step 5, exit the game, and re-enable the mod by checking it's box before proceding each time. ======================================== 4. Conflicts & Known Issues ======================================== This mod should not have any conflicts so long as it is used carefully and entirely as directed above. However for caution's sake make sure to disable any Quest Award Levelling mod you may have in case it decides to level any older items you create via the console. I did not test this fix with a leveling mod enabled so I cannot guarantee that it will work if one is active. ======================================== 5. Version History ======================================== v1.1.1 (2008/12/23) Reworked readme file Changed readme file format to .txt Updated contact information v1.1 (2007/08/20) Reworked readme file Packaged the mod in a zip file instead of an .omod file Made optional OBMM conversion data v1.0 (2006/07/07) Initial release ======================================== 6. Contact Information ======================================== Feel free to contact me with your feedback, comments, and suggestions. You can email me at pantalaimonium@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can send me a message on the official Elder Scrolls Forums, TES Nexus, and Planet Elder Scrolls under the user ID 'Pantalaimon'. ======================================== 7. Credits ======================================== Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for Oblivion and the continued Elder Scrolls series. Thanks to Namegduf Live, Quarn et al. for their quest award leveling mods. Thanks to Timeslip for the Oblivion Mod Manager. ======================================== 6. Licensing & Usage ======================================== Full permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this plugin and/or any of its features or assets so long as all such use is non-commecial.