SR HONG KONG (EXPANDED) (v1.2) By Banjo This mod allows you to play the official Hong Kong campaign with Banjo's various unofficial patch and "tweak" mods applied. Importing an existing character is also now enabled. IMPLEMENTED MODS: SR:HK Slap Patch Selective SMGs (SRHK) Canine Companions (SRHK) Classic Drones (SRHK) ALL the above mods are REQUIRED in order to play this version of the official Hong Kong campaign. You can find all the details about these mods and what they do does on the above pages. COMPATIBILITY: Currently based on SR:HK v3.0.8. Tested on the Windows GOG (v3.0.7) and Steam (v3.0.8) versions of the game, but should work fine with other installs (such as Humble Store, Mac OS or Linux) too. INSTALLATION: 1) Download the '' file and decompress it anywhere on your hard drive. 2) Copy '!HongKong_EX.cpz' to your mods folder (or directly to "YOURINSTALLFOLDER\Shadowrun Hong Kong\SRHK_Data\StreamingAssets\ContentPacks", as I prefer). USAGE: To play the official campaign with the above fixes and tweaks included, simply start a new game using the included 'Hong Kong (Expanded)' story. ADVANCED USERS: If you wish, you can rename the files from .cpz to .zip and unpack them, but should be no need to do so unless you're a curious modder wanting to check out the changes made directly. FEEDBACK: Feedback is welcome, but please leave comments and ask questions relating to specific mods on their own Nexus pages (e.g. comment on the Selective SMGs mod on the Selective SMGs page, not this one).