This mod works by moding (or adding) an entry for the Serval AMR-7 on the DamageParameterTables.lua. Also changing its ammo type from Magnum rounds to Tranquilizer rounds on EquipParameters.lua. If you want to do it yourself its ID is 60415. See here for other IDs.? I'm sure theres a better way of editing these files but I simply open the TUPPM_Snakebite_r71.mgsv file using winrar and navigate to \Assets\tpp\script\lib. There you can find the two files you need to edit, TUPPMDamageParameterTables.lua and TUPPMEquipParameterTables.lua. I had to google to hell and back to learn how to do this so I'm leaving this breadcrumb if anyone else ever tries to mod a gun to non-lethal and finds this. First step is use ctrl-f on the first file to find the gun (or add it if it isnt there, that ID is for the first Serval, the better ones are 60416 and 60417, mod according to which one you want to change). Once you find it change the last 3 numbers (something like 2800, 0, 2200). First number is lethal damage, make it 0. Second number is non-lethal damage, you can set it however you want, I use 2000 and it takes a second for anyone to drop with a leg shot. Third number is impact force, anything more than 600 will make people fly. If you want it to penetrate armor make sure the last number after the long series of 0s is 1. That turns on the anti-material penetration. It wont go through everything flawlessly, specially against the african armored guys, but its better than having to aim for arms and legs all the time. I'm not completely sure what the first series of numbers do, so I just copied the pattern on the ML2000-NL (60114). That means leaving the first 3 numbers on 0, and the following 2 have to be the same that the first 2 used to be before you make them 0. The last two are also 0. If anyone ever wants to let me know what all these do I would appreciate it. Then just open EquipParameters.lua and ctrl-f the 60415 ID again, delete Rf762mmSniperMagAP and replace it with RfTranq. That should be it. That is if you want to do it manually, otherwise just install the file provided with Snakebite. Which is basically TUPPM but with this specific change. All credit for it goes to the original author NasaNhak, I just tweaked this one gun parameter.