Name: AdvancedKillMoves Version: 2.0b Date: Category: Miscellaneous Author(s): Grasmann Source: Description =========== This mod unlocks all stable animation to all fitting weapons or weapon combination and provides a book to configure different options ingame, no console needed. The changed values will be saved in the savegame, so there is no need to reconfigure everytime you start the game. Details ======= - Unlocks every stable animation to every fitting weapon or weapon combination. - Unlocks kill moves to: left hand attacks, left hand power attacks, dual attacks and dual power attacks. - Provides a book to configure the mod. - Provides different other not kill move oriented features. - Avoids decapitations with Maces and Warhammers. Configurable features: Common Drop Book Since version 1.7 you are allowed to store the book in a container. The mod will inform you if you are the owner of the container or not and either way ask you if you really want to store the book there. If the book was stored you will be asked if you want to return it everytime you start a new game session. If you choose to return it the book should also be removed from the container you stored it. Player Immunity Make the character immune to kill moves. SoulGem Checker If the SoulGem Checker is activated the mod will notify you if you draw a weapon capable of soul trapping, while you have empty soul gems in your inventory, by shaking the camera, playing a sound and lighting the player character. Camera KillCam Vanilla The KillCam will react like in vanilla skyrim. 1st person The KillCam will always be 1st person.* 3rd person last enemy The KillCam will always be in 1st person, but 3rd person for the last enemy in a group.* 3rd person The KillCam will always be 3rd person.* ViewMode The KillCam will change between 1st person and 3rd person accordingly to the view mode you are currently using.* *Some Kill moves only have proper 3rd person animations. Those will always be in 3rd person, no matter which option is selected. Advanced 1stPerson Mode Standard Normal 1st person kill cam. Slow 1st person kill cam with slowmotion. Split "Standard" for mid-combat and "Slow" for the last enemy of a group. 3rdPerson Mode Standard Normal random cinematic 3rd person kill cams. Static The kill cam will use the normal 3rd person camera view.* StaticSlow Same as "Static" but with slowmotion. Split "Static" for mid-combat and "StaticSlow" for last enemy of a group. CinematicSplit "Static" for mid-combat and "Standard" for last enemy of a group. ViewMode Standard no automatical view mode change. 1st person As soon as you draw your weapon the view mode will be changed to 1st person.* 3rd person As soon as you draw your weapon the view mode will be changed to 3rd person.* Toggle The view mode will be switched as soon as you draw your weapon.* Learning The view mode can be set for different weapons and weapon combinations, including a sneak modifier.* *You will always be able to switch the view mode manually, in case of the option Toggle you can invert the toggle. **You will have to set the view mode for every weapon or weapon combination. Every weapon or weapon combination type will be using 1st person as default. MoveShake Off No camera shake while moving. Low, Medium, Hard The camera will shake while you sneak fast, run or sprint.* *The shake effect will get even a bit harder if you are transformed to a werewolf or riding a horse. Kill moves KillMoves Choose between Vanilla, also possible for all attack Branches, or Advanced Kill Moves. Mid-Combat Allow kill moves to occur in the middle of combat instead on the last enemy only. Splitting Decide if the kill moves will be split into mid-combat and last enemy. Some of the kill moves tend to have a long duration, thus I allowed them for the last enemy of a group only. Decaps Unlock decaps, if unlocked they can occur with the same possibility as normal kill moves, if locked you can set the possibility for them to occur as soon as you have the respective perk. Chance Change the chance for kill moves to occur. Special ray_314 sneak option Unlock all sneak attacks as normal back attacks, so they can occur if the player is discovered and not even in sneak mode. nknight2084 punching option This option will replace a hand 2 hand kilkl move, where you punch the enemy in the face three times, with another kill move, when a weapon is used. Install ======= 1. Extract the files to "Skyrim/Data". 2. Make sure the esp file is located under "Skyrim/Data" and the scripts are located under "Skyrim/Data/Scripts". 3. In case of the multilanguage version also make sure the string files provided are located under "Skyrim/Data/Strings". Uninstall ========= 1. Delete the "AdvancedKillMoves.esp" file under "Skyrim/Data". 2. Delete the four scripts starting with "AKM" under "Skyrim/Data/Scripts". 3. In case of the multilanguage version also delete the string files starting with "AdvancedKillMoves_[...]" under "Skyrim/Data/Strings". Upgrade ======= Depending on the changes this mod requires a special update method. Usually if the changes in the new version are not made for scripts, the used quest or the AKM book, you can just remove the old version and install the new version. However if scripts, the quest or the book was changed you have to do a clean install to get the mod run properly. Clean install: - Remove mod completely - Start game - Save once - Quit game - Install mod - Start game Incompatibility =============== AdvancedKillMoves is most likely incompatible to all other kill move oriented mods. In theory it should be compatible with every other kind of mod. Known Issues or Bugs ==================== - Some anmations are still failing sometimes although I removed most of the buggy animations. - A minority of users reported crashes on game-startup. This could be mod conflicts. My advice is to only install one kill move mod. History ======= 2.0b - Added new KillMove option "KillMoves", to be able to use vanilla kill move structure. - Fixed ViewMode bug. Learning will now remember if you chose not to reset view modes. 2.0a - Reworked all scripts from scratch. - Improved performance of all scripts. - Significantly improved ViewMode Learning option. - Fixed bugs in the camera data. - Improved MoveShake feature. 1.9a - Redesigned the whole camera path section. 1.8c - Fixed bug with 3rd person kill moves and 3rdPerson Mode when playing in 1st person. 1.8b - Reworked the static camera for "3rdPerson Mode". 1.8 - Added KillCam features "1stPerson Mode" and "3rdPerson Mode". 1.7e - Fixed some text issues in the multilanguage version. 1.7d - "MoveShake" now working better, small shake-pause may still be possible. - Removed "MoveShake" from swimming. - Added "MoveShake" when riding a horse. - Changed default killcam option to "Standard". - Fixed some missing text issues. - Corrected misplaced text in ReadMe. - Added russian string files. Thanks to DJ_Kovrik. 1.7c - Added new features from 1.7 to the AKM book. 1.7 - Implemented new camera feature "MoveShake". - Implemented new special feature "nknight2084 punching option". - Implemented new common feature to drop and return the book. - Fixed werewolf bug. 1.6c - Saved esp file without compression. 1.6b - Added french language. Thanks to NaCross99! - Removed compression from language string files, probably a bugfix for freezes on game start. 1.6 - Added multilanguage support. 1.5c - New attempt to fix the hand 2 hand problem. 1.5b - Added new feature "SoulGem Checker". - Added new feature "SoulGem Checker" to the book, book text and setup wizard. - Optimized scripts some more. 1.5 - Added decapitation chance. - Reworked decap option in book. - Added wizard to the book ( No ... not a magician XD ). - Fixed sneak- and back attack conditions. 1.4b - Reworked the quest script for better performance. - Added the new ViewMode option "Learning" to the book text. 1.4 - Added new ViewMode option "Learning". 1.3b - Fixed left hand magic kill cam. 1.3 - Hopefully fixed dragon kill move bug. - Introduced new KillCam option "ViewMode". - Introduced new Special-settings category in book, including the "ray_314 sneak option". - Reworked text of the AKM book. 1.2f - Added one handed axe to the sneak conditions. 1.2e - Fixed H2H kill moves not being triggered correctly. - Fixed H2H 3rd person problem. - Added two H2H kill moves. - Added two dual attacks to all attack branches. - Fixed problem with deactivated mid combat. 1.2d - Included a detection of warhammers into the quest script. 1.2c - Removed the changes of the player actor and bound the script to a quest alias inside the AKM quest. 1.2b - Fixed broken possibility conditions in bleedout animation data. - Implemented kill moves to dual attack data. 1.2 - Fixed the possibility to execute kill moves when blocking. 1.1g - Changed the default player name from "Gefangener" to "Prisoner". - Fixed a bug causing sneak attacks to only be possible with certain weapons. 1.1f - Fixed the text error in the new ViewMode option saying "Toggle" when "Standard" was activated. - Fixed broken kill moves missing first person animations. 1.1e - Added automatical View-Mode-Change feature to the mod. 1.1d - Reworked player script to detect if the book is stored in a container. 1.1c - Fixed bug with the ranged camera, should work fine now. Nothing else changed to ranged kill moves. 1.1b - Fixed some bugs. 1.1 - Replaced condition function "GetRandomPercent" with my own random number calculation including a combat check. - Added new v1.5 kill moves. - Added kill move data to power attacks, left hand for duals, and left hand power attacks for duals. - Added new quest script. 1.0b - Fixed kill moves on essential NPCs. Not longer possible, especially decaps. 1.0 - Finished decapitation perk conditions. - Removed parent folders in 7zip file. 0.9b - Added perk condition to one handed axe. - Fixed some issues in the animation data of one handed maces. - Fixed backstab. - Added hint for default kill move chance in the book. - Changed message for kill move splitting ( now the buttons are smaller, big buttons seem to be bit buggy ) 0.9 - Added mid-combat check for non-human enemies. - Reworked kill moves for non-human enemies. - Fixed problem with dragon kill cams. - Fixed problem with kill move immunity on dragons. 0.8d - Added immunity conditions to dragon kill moves. 0.8c - Finally added a clean auto-add solution. :D 0.8b - Added new script to re-add the book when dropped. 0.8 - Removed the auto-add script as it was proven to be buggy. 0.7h - Updated the book and message text regarding the decap option. 0.7g - Added decapitation perk conditions and possibility to unlock the decapitation for two handed swords and two handed axes. 0.7f - Added some text to the AKM book, explaining the options. 0.7e - Fixed auto-drop feature and implemented an real update-notification. - After successfully updating or initially adding the book the game now does an autosave for you. - Fixed misplaced kill move. 0.7d - Added automatical book-drop 0.7c - Added option to change kill move chance 0.7 - Added option to disable mid-combat kill moves - Added option to disable kill move splitting 0.6c - Fixed player immunity 0.6b - Fixed the dragon killcams 0.6 - Only one book - Replaced script to add book to players inventory 0.5 - Added Books to configure - Configureable player immunity - Configureable kill cam 0.1b - Initial Release Contact ======= Credits ======= Grasmann Special thanks: Tools Used ========== 7-Zip - Readme Generator - Licensing/Legal =============== Please contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of this mod.