Rivendell Bow V1.1 _____________________ Reason for this mod: _______________________ I saw the concept art for this bow and wanted it in my game. Yep.....That simple. :) What does this mod do: ________________________ This mod adds one Rivendell bow to Hunters rest under the Flag with beehive. It is also craftable, and can be upgraded. Damage is the same as ebony but faster than ebony. Installation: _______________ Unzip to your Skyrim folder and click the .esp at start up Or use the mod manager of your choice. Unistallation: _______________ Search skyrim folder for Rivendell bow. Delete all five files and the .esp Or uninstall with your mod manager. Version log: _____________ 1.0 initial release 1.1 Rerigged bow model for proper bend during drawing. Credits: __________ All credit for the shape and design of this bow go to NickKellerArt who drew the original concept art this model, and texture is based on. Permissions: _____________ All assets contained in this mod are to stay specific to this mod, and this site unless written permission is obtained from me first. Just ask me if you want to do anything with this. I can be reached via PM here on the Nexus. Final thoughts: _________________ I hope you enjoy it :)