-------------------------------------------------------------------- Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger by Mike (tek_ml7) mike@letmeapologize.com -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a set of camping gear packaged together nicely into one portable kit and is designed for those who are traveling Skyrim and want to sleep out in the wild. You can place each piece of your camp (the tent, the bedroll, the fire, etc) exactly where you want it, and then "activate" each marker to turn them into the real thing. Selecting 'pack up camp' will instantly put everything back into your kit. No messy cleanup required! -------------- HOW TO INSTALL -------------- Simply place the file into your data directory or install with the Nexus Mod Manager / Steam. -------------- WHAT IT COMES WITH -------------- The camping kit has a 1) Bedroll 2) Tent 3) Campfire (can be ignired and doused for some Roleplaying fun) 4) Cooking pot 5) 3 Compact Camping Chairs 6) 4 Leather Screens or Partitions 7) An Animal Pelt I also created a store to purchase this item, just outside of Riverwood (see below) with some books I wrote. ------------------ HOW TO USE IN GAME ------------------ You must first purchase the camping kit for a reasonable price in the Amberwood Camping Shop, located just outside Riverwood (The starting town) near the bridge leading out of town. Activate by clicking the camping kit in your inventory list, and it will automatically be removed from your inventory and placed in the general area in front of your character. Use the camping kit and follow the menu to build your very own camp exactly how you want it by dragging each marker (using the 'E' key). You'll notice many of the items can be further customized, such as setting the height (moving them up or down for best positioning) or even changing the angle. ------------------ QUESTIONS, CAVEATS, ETC ------------------ 1) What are camping markers? To ensure your camp comes out exactly the way you want, each marker serves as a placeholder for the actual item. For example, a 'tent marker' can be dragged and moved around into the position you would like to pitch the actual tent. All markers "become" the actual object when you activate (E) the item. 2) Help! Some of my camp is stuck in the ground/wall/mountainside I really put a lot of time into ensuring this does not happen, but if you are camping on a cliff or some other non-flat area, it is possible some or all of a particular item (i.e. the tent) can become embedded. The fastest way to get out of this is to just pack your camp back up to remove everything, OR pull up the console with ~ and click the item. Then use the command getpos z to see what the z position (height) of the item is at, and type setpos z XXXX where XXXX is the z position + or - whatever you like. For example if the item is partially stuck below the ground and you want to raise it up a little bit, pull up the console, click, type getpos z and let's say it returned 5100.00 now just type setpos z 5125 and it will raise it up 25 units (keep doing until you are comfortable). I tried to handle most of this already by allowing you to raise it in game using the camping kit items themselves. One item I have not succeeded at doing this with yet was the pelt so use with caution and try to place on a flat area. 3) What is the 'CONFIRM' button on some configuration menus? Some items such as chairs or bedrolls must be confirmed before they can be used. This simply means you are satisfied with the position they are in, and upon confirming you can use them in the normal way (to sit or sleep, respectively). The only way to remove these items once confirmed is to just pack up your entire camp. 4) What is the best way to setup my cooking pot? Personally I like to rest the cooking pot MARKER on top of the fire, and once it's settled, I activate it. It will then spawn an actual cooking stand where you can then lower (I like to lower it a lot so the pot is just over the fire). 5) I have some more ideas for integrating things such as chopping wood for fire, but would love to hear your ideas as well. Get in touch with me below! -------------------- TROUBLESHOOTING -------------------- 1) Issue: If you can't find the house to buy the kit, first be sure that you enabled the ESM file. You wouldn't believe how many times I've got a new mod and for one reason or another forgot to enable it! 2) Issue: When you left click the camping marker in your inventory, the item does not deploy. ..Did you copy the scripts folder correctly? Remember my scripts need to be in your data/scripts folder. ------------------ CONTACT ME / TELL ME YOU LIKE THE MOD ------------------ I would get a big kick out of hearing you enjoyed this mod. Send me an e-mail at mike@letmeapologize.com Also check out www.letmeapologize.com - a online public apology website I made that is slowly taking off!