Name: LodFileGenerator Version: 0.01 Date: 2/23/2012 Category: Utilities Author(s): Geggakloss Homepage: Description =========== This is a simple command based program that can make a .lod file for Skyrim worldspaces without the use of a hex editor. This file is needed in addition to the meshes and textures that make up the LODs to show in the game. Details ======= Use: Run LodFileGenerator_v0.01.exe The program will ask for: 1) Name of your worldspace 2) x coordinates of the lower left cell 3) y coordinates of the lower left cell 4) width of your world measured in number of cells The program will create a "YourWorldspace".lod file in the same directory as the exe file. Put the .lod file under Skyrim/Data/lodsettings (create this folder if it does not exist) Exsample: A world that starts at (-64,-64) in the lower left corner and ends at (64,64) has a width of 128 cells. The name of the worldspace is test. For this worldspace answer: 1) test 2) -64 3) -64 4) 128 Install ======= 1. Extract the files to a temporary location. Run LodFileGenerator_v0.01.exe Uninstall ========= Delete LodFileGenerator_v0.01.exe Known Issues or Bugs ==================== Typing text instead of numbers for question 2), 3) and 4) will crash program. History ======= v0.01 First version Contact ======= You can find me on TESNexus and the official Elder Scrolls forums as 'Elinen' Credits ======= This program was made by Geggakloss, who is part of the Hoddminir developing team. He has asked me to upload the files on nexus. Licensing/Legal =============== You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give Geggakloss credit if you distribute any part of this mod.