Better Quest Objectives Version 1.5 ---------- Description: Have you ever wanted to turn those quest markers off but couldn't because the quest description doesn't give you any indication of where to search for your objective, so you're forced to blindly make a beeline to that marker, taking the wonder of exploration out of it? That's why I've created Better Quest Objectives! What I've done is edited nearly 250 quest objectives/descriptions, spanning over 160 quests, that have super vague or even non existing descriptions of where you're supposed to head next. For example: This Guy tells you to go talk to That Guy. Well, That Guy is in a town you haven't been to yet because you're brand new to the land of Skyrim so you have no idea where that town is. Also, nothing in the quest description even mentions the name of the town. You're just supposed to remember the name of the town that This Guy mentioned. This is even worse if you picked this quest up 30 hours ago and haven't touched it since, which means you've probably forgotten the details of the spoken conversation. In this situation, I've changed the quest objective from: "Talk to That Guy" to "Head to This Town at the eastern base of This Mountain and talk to That Guy" This will allow you to progress the quest by actually navigating your map and not blindly following the quest marker. I've left certain quests with ambiguous descriptions alone since finding the locations is supposed to be a riddle. Also, if the quest involves a journal that is supposed to shed light on the objective's location, I've edited that journal instead of the actual quest description. That way, you can still deduce the location of your next objective by reading any documents that pertain to the quest. This mod also cleans up various typos and inconsistencies (for example, misspelled names or referring to a statue as a chalice, etc). If you find any remaining glaring errors, let me know and I'll fix them. A few things I haven't done: - Attach better descriptions to quests with randomly generated locations. I'll probably have to create additional alias references inside the quest, once I learn a little about Papyrus. You'll have to stick with using quest markers for these quests until then. - The Companions questline or the questline that wipes out a certain guild because I haven't done them yet and don't want to spoil them for myself. I plan on playing through these with my next character, so I'll get to them after I've played through them. - Map Marker updates. If a queststage automatically updates your map with an undiscovered location (grey map marker), it will still do that. I might look into disabling these in the future. It doesn't seem like a hard task, just a daunting one. So that's it! If you think any objectives are still too vague or even too descriptive, let me know and I'll look into changing them. Please let me know when you come across any quests I missed. I tried, but I know I couldn't have hit them all. Any other feedback/criticism is also welcome. Please endorse if you like it. ---------- Known Issues: 1. Some quests will display "[...]" where a radiant location, person, dungeon, etc. should be displayed, if the quest has already been started by the time this mod has been activated. This is because the radiant element meant to populate the "[...]" text has already been determined by the game and flushed from the quest's "memory", so to speak. These quests will display as intended the next time you go through them. ---------- Change log: To find the names and details of the quests listed below, go to and enter the quest ID listed into the search function. 1.0 - Better Quest Objectives released. The following quest objectives/descriptions were edited: BardsCollegeDrum BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeLute DB01Objective DB03 DB04A DB06 DB07 DB08 DB11 DBSideContract02 DBSideContract03 DBSideContract04 DBSideContract06 DBSideContract09 DBSideContract10 DA01Intro DA01 DA02 DA03 DA04 DA07 DA09 DA10 DA11 DA13Intro DA13 DA14Start DA14 DA15 DA16 dunHunterQST MG02 MG03 MG06 MG07 MGR21 MGR30 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRArniel02 MGRArniel03 MGRitual05 MQ103 MQ105 MQ202 MQ203 MQ205 MQ302 MS05Start MS05 T01DegaineFavor T01 T02 T03 TG01 TG02 TG05 TG08B TG09 1.1 - Fixed various typos and added the following quests: dunGauldursonQST dunRebelsCairnQST dunYngolBarrowQST 1.2 - Edited over 60 additional miscellaneous and "rumor" quests CW01AOutfitImperial DA15Rumor DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuest dunMossMotherQST dunNilheimQST dunSleepingTreeCampQST dunShipwreck04QST dunTrevasWatchQST FreeformCaravansA FreeformDragonBridge01 FreeformDushnikhYalA FreeformFalkreathQuest01 FreeformFalkreathQuest03 FreeformFalkreathQuest03B FreeformHeartwoodMill FreeformIvarstead01 FreeformIvarstead02 FreeformIvarstead03 FreeformIvarstead04 FreeformKarthwastenA FreeformKolskeggrA FreeformKynesgroveA FreeformMarkarthD FreeformMarkarthE FreeformMarkarthJ FreeformMarkarthL FreeformMarkarthM FreeformMarkarthN FreeformMarkarthO FreeformMerryfairFarm FreeformMorthalA FreeformMorthalB FreeformRiften01 FreeformRiften02 FreeformRiften03 FreeformRiften04 FreeformRiften05 FreeformRiften06 FreeformRiften07 FreeformRiften08 FreeformRiften09 FreeformRiften10 FreeformRiften11 FreeformRiften12 FreeformRiften13 FreeformRiften14 FreeformRiften16 FreeformRiften17 FreeformRiften18 FreeformRiften20 FreeformRiften21 FreeformRiften22 FreeformSalviusFarmA FreeformSarethiFarm FreeformShorsStone01 FreeformShorsStone02 FreeformSkyhavenTempleA FreeformSoljundsSinkholeA FreeformStonehillsA FreeformWhiterunQuest01 FreeformWhiterunQuest02 FreeformWhiterunQuest03 FreeformWhiterunQuest04 FreeformWhiterunQuest05 FreeformWindhelmA FreeformWinterholdC FreeformValdDebt MQ102 MQ105Ustengrav MQ106 MQ201 MQ206 RoriksteadFreeform SolitudeFreeform04 TGFenceCaravan TGTQ01 TGTQ02 TGTQ04 WIAddItem07 1.3 - Edited the following quest descriptions/objectives: CW01B CW02B DBOlavaReadingTreasureObjective DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective1 DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective2 DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective3 DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective4 MGR12 TGCrown TG04 1.4 - Big thanks to tunaisfish for coming up with the script that allows me to display radiant quest locations! One caveat is that if you load a save that has already progressed to the quest stage that displays the objective location, you might see "[...]" where the location should actually be displayed on some quests. The following radiant quest objectives/descriptions now display location names: DA09 DA10 FreefromOldHroldanB FreefromShipsDawnstar MGR20 MGR20B MGR21 MGRArniel04 MGRitual05 MGRRogue WIAssault02 The following radiant quest objectives/descriptions now display hold names: BQ01 BQ02 BQ03 BQ04 1.5 - Thanks to chevenga for suggesting a few more descriptions! Edited the following quest descriptions/objectives: CompanionsMiscObjective C00 C01 C03 C04 C05 C06 DA11Intro DBDestroy dunBlindCliffQST dunDarklightQST dunForelhostQST dunFrostmereCryptQST dunHighGateRuinsQST dunHillgrundsTombQST dunMistwatchQST dunValthumeQST dunVolunruudQST Favor151 Favororcssintro MS08 MS10 MS10MiscObjPointer TG03 TG07 ---------- Manual Installation: 1. Unzip the archive 2. Place the contents of the unzipped archive in your skyrim/Data folder 3. Activate the plugin in the Data Files menu of the skyrim launcher ---------- Uninstallation: 1. Delete the BetterQuestObjectives.esp, BetterQuestObjectives.bsa and BetterQuestObjectives Readme.txt files from your skyrim/Data folder