GUARDS! GUARDS! A Discworld character mod In Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" series the Night Watch is home to petty thieves, thugs, unemployables, cynical police, and at least one paladin. Oh, and a werewolf. Perhaps there's a place for you. "Guards! Guards!" provides weapons and armor for a fighter or thief build. At first level you'll be able to craft a nightstick, and some rusty chain mail. (This is intended as starting equipment, so you'll only need firewood and a little iron.) With more experience you could also qualify as a Street Monster, deadly with your fists, or craft a blackjack. (It's a very effective weapon and staggers most opponents.) Once you've learned steel smithing you can add a crossbow and bolts, guard's longsword, halberd, and boots worn thin enough you can read the street through them and move silently. You can also clean up your helmet and chain mail; later on you'll be able to craft a fine steel cuirass. When you've gained serious skill as an armsman you'll be able to become deft in your use of the blackjack and render your targets unconscious while doing very little damage. The chain mail, steel armor, helmet, boots, and "street monster" unseen gauntlet are all classed as heavy armor and are linked to steel armor material. All heavy armor and unarmed combat perks should work with them. The Guards Barrack in Whiterun serves as a Watch House, and as a simple player home. (To find it go behind the Bannered Mare, turn north, and look for a door in the stone wall) Just off the central corridor, to the west. you'll find a player bed and safe storage. To the east is the forensics lab. VERSIONS: This mod offers two versions, differing only in the .esp file. The .bsa archive file remains the same. The main version, which includes the morion helmet which suits Paul Kidby's illustrations, needs to be dependent on the "Bobs Armory Skyrim" mod. (Details in "SOURCES".) The Armory is an excellent mod, well worth having, but it's quite large. For players with limited space or internet connectivity I include an alternate version. This differs from the main version only in that it does not include the "morion" helmet from Bobs Armory. Download and install whichever .esp file you prefer. SOURCES: My "Discworld" character mods are based on Terry Pratchett's excellent series: The steel cuirass and morion helmet are based on Paul Kidby's illustrations: For more of Kidby's art, see The chainmail represents the more battered condition of the Night Watch in earlier books. The morion helmet uses Mr. Dave's morion model. Consequently, since the author had found his work abused and does not grant permissions, "Guards! Guards!" is dependent (as the designer outlines) on "Bobs Armory Skyrim" Bobs Armory should be downloaded and installed or the morion helmets will not work. (It's a half-gigabyte download, but well worth having in your repertoire.) It does not, however, need to be activated -- though there's much wonderful material in it, to support characters outside the vanilla range. If you'd rather not download the Armory, I've added an alternation version .esp which substitutes a simpler helmet model. The truncheon is based on a free model from Turbosquid: REQUIREMENTS: Skyrim Dawnguard (for the crossbow) Bobs Armory PERMISSIONS: You may use any of my work in your own mods, but not in mods offered for sale. Please credit me. If you use Mr. Dave's work, please make your mod dependent on Bobs Armory.