UPDATES LOG ============= Momo Dash v1.1 (NEW!!!) - Added effect from Opticshooter modified by me [optional]. - Frames skip issues (if you notice) in v0.9 has been fixed. - correction of distance between legs hasn't applied (if you even noticed it until I used sgtm console). Momo Dash v1.0 - Reduce annoying head motion Momo Dash v0.9 - Don't You dislike ape's sprinting style? Neither do I - Spread legs? No way!! - Footsteps sound issues Fixed. - Increasing Sprinting speed is recommended to get better experience!! - Use this to increase it: Skyrim Speed and increase Sprinting's speed {+[5%-10%]} -Too slanted ? Sorry, but we have different tastes. Feminine Running forward Animation for Female Human v0.7g (NEW!) - Fixed Every known bug issues - seathed 1H axe clipping issues fixed. Skyrim Sprinting Animation v0.2a - Footstep sounds issues hasn't fixed yet. Feminine Running forward Animation for Female Human v0.7f - Jerky/Jittering issues Fixed - Footstep sounds implemented. - Recent known clipping issues with seathed 1H axe. Feminine Running forward Animation for Female Human v0.7d - Sheathed Dagger, Sword and Mace cliping issues fixed. - edit: DO U HEAR FOOTSTEP SOUNDS, I didn't realize it was fixed until I put heavy armor and walk on Dirt. Feminine Running forward Animation for Female Human v0.7c - 2H back weapon cliping issues fixed. Feminine Running forward Animation for Female Human v0.7 - Arm's motion corrected - Fix elbow rotation (stiff arms) - Fix Hand's skeleton axis - Equiped shield's bug corrected - Shoulder joint rotation's momentum corrected KNOWN ISSUES ============== - Slight jittering/vibrating movement at the loop animations (has already fixed) - Clipping Issues with seathed weapon may happen if You're using unidentified custom skeleton which is not supported general moded animation. - No footsteps sound again? Try to disable or removing Catwalk by Edoin. [Author Opinion: Personally, Nice for both Mage and Warrior (My Char is warrior). Want a "butcher-tipe" running styles? use vanilla's one for the best of us lol. Or make a mod that suit yours.] Note 1: You may try v0.5 before new one. edit: on second thought v0.5 is a history. NEXT UPDATES ============= - Momo Dash V1.0 Read This before give comments [you don't have to read it actually]: =============================================================== - When it say feminime, I mean it. - This is my first ever mod by using 3ds Max and Niffskope, so you MAY don't like it. In reality, I always feel strange about how the character jump, run, walk and sprinting (thanks to someone who do catwalk animation). The vanilla's character animation lack of style SO give a littlebit sensation. I plan to mod every character animation but I may think about it again. When I make this mod, realize Bethestda did good work on the spine and lower parts but the upper part isn't. The center of gravity betwen right and left isn't right so I change it and actually it costs a lot of work. In the end this mod far from perfection. Works well with ANY body types. Don't know if there is a new types of bodies that incompatible reported. INSTALLATION: ============= 1.Install CHSBHC body physics mod (Optional). Don't have to if you don't wanna. 2.Backup your mt_runforward.hkx by any means (If you are using other mod that replacing it). 3.Install or extract to Skyrim installation folder (it's replace the animation mt_runforward.hkx) 4.NMM install recommended Note 2: No Footsteps? bug problem came from : EDITED: just found it recently, hkxcmd that convert kf to hkx are somewhat doesn't exported an extra "key" to implement footsteps. This issues actually has already solved. Credits ======= Opticshooter for his Eat My Dust mod Recommended Mod ================== Bowlegged jump animation fix Licensing/Legal =============== Note 4: Feel free to edit my custom animation, but please don't redistribute the original file. ( e.g. customized it so the butt or breast became bouncy but I'm not the one who'll make it )