'' Format: - [] ' type: b (basic) ' o (animated objects) ' option: a (acyclic) default: cyclic ' h (headtracking remains) default: headtracking off ' Tn (clip transition "00Next Clip": used if another idle will follow immediately) ' Ts (clip transition "IdleStop": (should be "regular idle end", but in FNIS similar to Next Clip) ' default "IdleForceDefaultState": everything set to default) ' B Blend time into Animation ' ' without path (files expected in Animations\) ' ' Example: ' b -a,h,Tn,B1.2 MyAnimEvent1 MyAnimFile1.hkx ' ' Comment: ' in column 1 / empty lines possible ' ' AnimEvents and Animation File names have to be unique through all mods (even for files in different folders) ' so it's a good idea use mod specific abbrevioations for all our names ' ' FNISBase: animation names for common use ' b1-20 b PRI001 PRI001.HKX b PRI002 PRI002.HKX b PRI003 PRI003.HKX b PRI004 PRI004.HKX b PRI005 PRI005.HKX b PRI006 PRI006.HKX b PRI007 PRI007.HKX b PRI008 PRI008.HKX b PRI009 PRI009.HKX b PRI010 PRI010.HKX b PRI011 PRI011.HKX b PRI012 PRI012.HKX b PRI013 PRI013.HKX b PRI014 PRI014.HKX b PRI015 PRI015.HKX b PRI016 PRI016.HKX b PRI017 PRI017.HKX b PRI018 PRI018.HKX b PRI019 PRI019.HKX b PRI020 PRI020.HKX