Description weren't satisfied with the reward for "No Stone Unturned" quest? Really wanted the crown of Barenziah but found yourself denied the opportunity? This mod is for you! Once you complete the quest, go and visit the statue with the newly reforged crown on it. Vex has left you a nice little note... Instructions You will need 24 garnets and 2 gold ingots to craft a replica of the crown.. Once you have those items return to the crown and activate it you should then "craft" the crown Known Issues On some hair meshes the hair could clip through the crown; this is just the way the crown is shaped.. you can fix this by doing "showracemenu" and changing your hair Requirements Skyrim (of course :P ) Insall move all contents to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim .:or the data folder where you gave skyrim installed:. Credits/Special Thanks Thanks to: Bethesda for skyrim ^.^ Ghosu - for the fantastic work on making the mesh wearable Dmjay - For helping with some scripting issues Usage you may use this file for any mod you want as long as you give credit this file is provided "as is" I am not responsible for anything that may happen from using this file (but should you encounter an issue post in the discussion and I'll do my best to help you).