The Grytewake Legend Category: Quest & Player home Language: multi English/German IMPORTANT: When updating from a previous Version to 1.04 be sure to remove all your items from the ship, save the Game somewhere far away from the ship and uninstall the previous Version. Make sure that all Scripts of this Mod are removed from Steam/Steamapps/common/skyrim/Data/Scripts Folder. The Files to remove are: QF_wqGrytewakeAmuletQST_01013235.pex QF_wqGrytewakeQST_0100ADB8.pex QF_wqGrytewakeTravelQST_0100D99C.pex wqAxeScript.pex wqChickenKilledScript.pex wqDragonClawScript.pex wqDragonMaskScript.pex wqEggRespawnScript.pex wqFoundEraamilScript.pex wqGemHolderScript.pex wqGrytewakeAmuletScript.pex wqGrytewakeGemAddScript.pex wqLighningRoomBoxScript.pex wqLightingRoomBoxOnScript.pex wqLightinRoomBoxOffScript.pex wqOpenDoorOnDeathScript.pex wqReadEraamilsNoteScript.pex wqShippingMapScript.pex wqSnorriDeathScript.pex wqWoodScript.pex ========================================== Version History ========================================== VERSION 1.04 -Fixed Crashes on Skyrim 1.5 Patch, however Followers may have Problems to/enter leave ship, waiting for the next Skyrim Patch, I was not able to make a stable Version that touches the exterior Navmeshes so I cut it out for this Version -Winterhold added as Travel Location for the ship -Added some pictures for the book -Performance improved inside the ship, redone the whole lightning and triggers -multilanguage English and German VERSION 1.03 -Dragon Priest Masks can be displayed -Dragon Claws can be displayed -Reward added for collecting 15 of the Masks/claws, Teleportamulet with mark&return-function -improved performance inside the ship -follower added, also works as merchant -exterior of the ship characterized, the ship looks alive now VERSION 1.02 -Deadcount Script removed from Snorri's chamber, only the puzzle is needed to proceed now VERSION 1.01 -Shipinterior fixed, companions leave now properly =========================================== Description: =========================================== There are rumors about a magic ship that people saw in the northern seas of Skyrim. It belonged to Snorri Frostfeather a long time ago but since he died the ship is still seen at times even without his master. Now a scholar has shown up in the 'Winking Skeever' tavern with a plan to make this ship his own. Maybe you want to go into this tavern to look for some clues about his fate, maybe you'll just explore and find the ship on your own, whatever you do, it's not going to be easy. =========================================== Where to go: =========================================== You can start the quest in to ways: - Find the book of the scholar in "The Winking Skeever" - Find the quest-related ruines on your own while exploring, the quest will start once you are inside deep enough =========================================== Features: =========================================== A new quest complete with a new 2-level interior made from scratch - companion friendly and optimized, complete with traps, enemies, treasure and boss The questreward is a ship that can be used as home, on board you'll find - rooms for alchemy, enchanting, smithing, cooking - storage for all items you find - 50+ weapon racks and place for 500+ books - a wood chopping block the hero will use a loooong time without stopping - a shrine of Zenithar to raise your profits - a small garden with some plants - a henhouse with 3 chicken (don't kill them if you want to find your daily egg in the hay) - a magic map can bring your ship to 3 places: Solitude, Dawnstar and Windhelm =========================================== Installation: =========================================== - extract everything (the 'Grytewake.esp' and the 'Scripts Folder') into your \steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data Folder - activate the Grytewake.esp with your favorite launcher =========================================== Deinstallation: =========================================== - delete the Grytewake.esp from your \steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data Folder - don't forget to throw all your items overboard :-) =========================================== Issues/Compatibility =========================================== - Traveling with the ship means not realtime traveling, its just fasttravel. - the cells that are affected are the solitude docks, dawnstar north and the east of windhelm docks near Hollyfrost Farm, if other mods add content to this places you'll eventually receive NPC-pathfinding problems in the best case and overlapping objects in the worst case ============================================ Credits: ============================================ Bethesda for Skyrim If you like a mod please take the time to endorse it, its just one klick. :-) Have Fun.