Picture Box by Triaxx Picture Box is designed as a place for modders to show off new armors, without worrying about whether or not the lighting is flattering, or to light or dark. In addition, it includes light switches to engage and disengage the lights in two rings for those pieces that should be shown in shadow, or any mod which needs darkness for the full effect to be visible. Adds a small door on the first pillar inside Radiant Raiment in Solitude to access the box. Alternatively you may coc 111PictureBox. Lighting is arranged with 16 lights in an outer ring, and four lights in an inner ring. Facing the wall, the left lever controls the inner light ring. And the right lever controls the outer light ring. Installation: Download with manager, activate. Or extract the ESP. Uninstallation: Deactivate with manager, delete. Delete ESP. Credits: Bethesda for making such an awesome game. Me for making this mod. Cipscis for his awesome LightSwitch script. Without it you'd be stuck with them on.