Ash Pile Expiration Author: Christopher Grabowski ------------------------ Description ------------------------ Are you bothered by all those ash piles that just won't go away? Then this mod is for you. This mod will remove any ash piles after a designated amount of game time whether they be from Reanimate spells, the Disintegrate perk, or even from dead Ghosts and Ice Wraiths. Preexisting ash piles must be revisited to queue them for deletion. ------------------------ Compatibility ------------------------ This mod should be compatible with most other mods. Conflicts will occur with any mod that changes ash piles. ------------------------ Installation ------------------------ 1) Extract "Ash Pile Expiration 1.0 - 1" in the Skyrim data folder. The file path for most users will be: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\". This folder will also include Skyrim.esm, Update.esm and some *.bsa files. 2) Start the Skyrim Launcher and click on "Data Files". 3) Make sure "Ash Pile Expiration" is checked. 4) Run the game and enjoy! ------------------------ Agreement ------------------------ By downloading and installing this plug-in you agree to the following. 1) You will not sell any of the contents of this archive or the archive as a whole. 2) You will not share or otherwise redistribute any of the archive's contents or the archive as a whole without permission form the author. 3) You will read the Readme.