Better Swimming v0.2 by Nitor --------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: This mod gives the player speed penalties for wearing clothing/armor when swimming. Heavy armor reduces swim speed more than light armor. Swim naked - it's fastest. Excellent for roleplaying. I thought the default swim speeds were way too fast compared to real life. I called it Better Swimming instead of realistic swimming, because it's not perfect. Speed breakdown: Wearing anything: -10% Heavy armor: -40% (any item) Light armor: -25% (any item) (doesn't stack with heavy armor) Additionally, your inventory weight compared to your carry weight will influence your swim speed as well, up to 40% slower (30% for Argonians) at max capacity. Wearing heavy armor fully loaded = -80% swim speed Argonians (and anyone with the active waterbreathing effect) bypass the armor slow downs, so the slowest you could be while waterbreathing is -40% (-30% for Argonians). If you drop all your stuff by the shore (or in the water) and go skinny dipping, you suffer no penalties. Feedback wanted. INSTALL: Put esp in Data folder Put pex files in Scripts folder (3) PSC files are included in Source folder (3) UNINSTALL: Remove above files CREDITS: Nitor PERMISSIONS: Please edit, redistribute, and make derivative works. I would appreciate credit. I'm sure someone out there can make swim speeds more realistic. ---------------------------------------------------------- My Other Mods Hypothermia Smithing Tomes