----------------- VALHALLANILLA 1.2 ----------------- by Dr4Wm4N What is it? ----------- VALHALLANILLA is an ENBSeries settings file you can use to improve the vanilla look of Skyrim, without change it into "fantasy land" with lots of GPU-killer effects (not a critic ! some ENB settings are very cool, but it's a matter of taste for everyone). Here, no SSAO or DOF or whatever, VALHALLANILLA keeps the original mood of the game, but try to enhance it for a better experience than the out-of-the-box rendering, and has also the advantage of being less FPS consuming than most of other ENB Settings. How is it better than vanilla? ------------------------------ Here are the additions made by VALHALLANILLA: - Better shadows: thanks to ENBSeries 0.113, shadows in Skyrim are finally almost real. They are more detailed, and they render with less jaggies and artifacts. - Tint corrections: vanilla suffers from odd color rendering sometimes, this ENB settings file tries to lessen it. - Better sky: the flashy sky of original Skyrim rendering is no more with more acceptable colors that don't make you blind, and there's also new true sun rays for your pleasure. - A little nasty bug removed: have you ever encountered this situation when you light someone in the game with your torch or a spell, and a weird thin bright line on his/her skin appears ? It belongs to past ! How do I use it? ---------------- First you will need the original ENBSeries 0.113 from Boris Vorontsov installed in your Skyrim main folder, you can download it here: http://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0113.htm Then extract the enbseries.ini and the Data folder of the VALHALLANILLA archive into your Skyrim main folder, overwrite all when asked. For ENB to work properly and for optimal shadows here are some settings you can use in your SkyrimPrefs.ini (the one that can be found in your documents, in the folder My Games\Skyrim), in the [Display] section (don't forget bFloatPointRenderTarget=1): iBlurDeferredShadowMask=6 fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000 fShadowDistance=2500.0000 iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=4096 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=4096 iShadowSplitCount=2 iShadowMode=3 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=0 bShadowMaskZPrepass=0 bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 iShadowMapResolution=4096 fShadowBiasScale=0.2500 iShadowMaskQuarter=4 bDrawShadows=1 Finally you can launch the game and see if VALHALLANILLA suits you (use Shift-F12 to toggle VALHALLANILLA effects off and on). Optionnally I recommand you to use VALHALLANILLA with the excellent Realistic Lighting With Customization you can find here : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7654. Warning: do not use the optional alternate sunglare.dds file from this mod please. You can also use the great SMAA Injector (http://mrhaandi.blogspot.fr/p/injectsmaa.html), the simple way to use it with ENB is to choose ENB Injector version (not Wrapper one, but don't forget to launch ENBInjector.exe before Skyrim when you want to play). Copy this settings in SMAA's injector.ini: [injector] ;toggle shader keycode key_toggle = 19 ;make screenshot keycode key_screenshot = 44 ;reload shader files keycode key_reload = 0 [smaa] ;smaa preset one of {SMAA_PRESET_LOW, SMAA_PRESET_MEDIUM, SMAA_PRESET_HIGH, SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA} preset = SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA [misc] ;set to 1 to improve steam overlay compatibility weird_steam_hack = 1 Changelog: ---------- - 1.2: - True sun rays added - 1.1: - Better day lighting (featuring no more almost pitch black shadowing) - Better night lighting (featuring a bit darker nights) - 1.0: Initial release. So no changes. ;P Thanks to: ---------- - Boris Vorontsov for his ENBSeries. - MTindle for his good tips. Isn't VALHALLANILLA an awesome name for such a little mod ? :D