ENB Customizer v2.1 Copyright (c) Ghita Dorian ENB developer: Boris Vorontsov Install: Extract the executable file into the root folder of your game (where TESV.exe is). Run it and customize settings. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any problems with the program (ex. grayed sliders) that means either of the below. *You don't have an ENB preset installed. Search the site for "ENB" and just download and install one. *You haven't extracted the program into skyrim's root folder so files like enbseries.ini, enbeffect.fx and effect.txt were not found. Check the "!" warning button in the bottom left corner to confirm. *Run the program as administrator (might help in some cases). *You have values for some settings that are invalid to read (such as too high, negatives, or incorrect format). *If some effects are grayed that means those effects were not found. Not all ENBs have the same effects. I've also updated version 2 to include what's new in version KAGE 113. *Please report any bugs in a PM or comments section so i can fix them and, if possible, provide an explanation on what were you doing before and when the bug occured. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit the page on the nexus for a complete settings description! Endorse if it helps you!