Name: Ashara's Princes of the Woods armour Version: 5.3 Date: 25-06-2014 Category: Armour Requirements: Latest Skyrim official patch Author(s): Ashara Source: * English: ** Nexus: ** Steam (lite version, only default colour and only some of the items): * Russian translation by Eriko: ** on modgames: ** on Nexus: * German translation by Rikash: ** on scharesoft: ** on eir dei zeit: * German translation by Verodor: ** on Nexus: * Chinese translation by Silence115: ** on Nexus: ** on 3DM: * French translation by Sylom: ** on La confrerie des traducteurs: * Italian translation by Chrisky: ** on Nexus: Description =========== This mod add the Princes of the Woods light armours (male and female) to Skyrim. The armour is composed of 17 different pieces, 6 fur complements plus a wig for the hood that can be created at any normal forge and are found under the Studded section. All pieces are upgradable at workbenches and fully enchantable. The ratings for Bodice, Boots and Bracers are those of Dragonscale armour except the weight that is the one of the elven armour. The armour comes in 6 different colours: Green, Brown, Black, White, Red and Olive. The fur complements come in 3 colours: Brown, Black and White. There is a wig for the hood changes colour with your character's hair colour. This only works on the player, so it is called "POTW Wig - Player". The ability of the wig to keep the colour when unequipping/equipping it or when exiting Skyrim completely and loading a saved game, it is managed through scripts that require SKSE version 1.6.16 or higher. The scripts work for vanilla hair colours and custom hair colours added by the RaceMenu mod. If you don't use SKSE or use an older version, when the wig looses its hair colour use the showracemenu console command to set your character's hair colour again and that will fix the wig's colour. There are also other 8 wigs that have a fixed colour, intended for followers or other NPCs. This makes a total of 123 new items (provided I counted them correctly) added to the game. You can combine the pieces of the different colours. I've followed the slot usage convention explained here: The "Trousers (body slot)" item displays the trousers on your character (and also a bra for females), and uses the body slot.This means this item cannot be equipped at the same time than the cuirass/bodice, but it allows male characters to wear only the trousers without the cuirass and look good ;) Armour (bodice with skirt) Statistics ------------------------------------- * Slot = 32 (Body) * Weight = 4 * Value = 1,500 * Armour rating = 41 * Type of armour = Light armour cuirass * Enchantment: None Bodice Statistics ----------------- * Slot = 32 (Body) * Weight = 2 * Value = 800 * Armour rating = 21 * Type of armour = Light armour cuirass * Enchantment: None Boots Statistics (both versions: over the knee and folded down) --------------------------------------------------------------- * Slot = 37 (Feet) * Weight = 1 * Value = 300 * Armour rating = 12 * Type of armour = Light armour boots * Enchantment: None Bracers Statistics ------------------ * Slot = 33 (Hand) * Weight = 1 * Value = 300 * Armour rating = 12 * Type of armour = Light armour gauntlets * Enchantment: None Dagger Statistics (both versions: normal and higher up) ------------------------------------------------------- * Slot = 53 * Weight = 1 * Value = 500 * Armour rating = 5 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Belt Statistics (both versions: for trousers and for the skirt) --------------------------------------------------------------- * Slot = 52 * Weight = 0.5 * Value = 250 * Armour rating = 3 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Belt with Dagger Statistics (both versions: for trousers and for the skirt) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Slot = 52 * Weight = 0.7 * Value = 400 * Armour rating = 4 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Stockings Statistics -------------------- * Slot = 54 * Weight = 0.2 * Value = 100 * Armour rating = 3 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Trousers Statistics ------------------- * Slot = 49 * Weight = 2 * Value = 700 * Armour rating = 20 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Trousers (body slot) Statistics -------------------------------- * Slot = 32 * Weight = 2 * Value = 700 * Armour rating = 20 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Cape Statistics --------------- * Slot = 45 * Weight = 2 * Value = 500 * Armour rating = 18 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Hood Statistics --------------- * Slot = 31 (hair) * Weight = 0.5 * Value = 100 * Armour rating = 15 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Fur Boots Statistics (both versions: for the over the knee and for the folded down boots) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Slot = 48 * Weight = 0.5 * Value = 250 * Armour rating = 3 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Fur Bracers Statistics ---------------------- * Slot = 60 * Weight = 0.5 * Value = 250 * Armour rating = 3 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Fur Collar Statistics ---------------------- * Slot = 46 * Weight = 0.5 * Value = 250 * Armour rating = 3 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Fur Skirt Statistics (both versions: normal and lower fur skirt) ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Slot = 56 * Weight = 0.5 * Value = 250 * Armour rating = 3 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Wig Statistics (all 9 wigs) --------------------------- * Slot = 55 * Weight = 0.1 * Value = 50 * Armour rating = 5 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Armlets Statistics ------------------ * Slot = 58 * Weight = 0.3 * Value = 300 * Armour rating = 2 * Type of armour = Light armour clothing * Enchantment: None Required mods ============= The female bodies used for the armour are the default UNP bodies ([url=][/url]). The male bodies used for the armour are the Sundracon bodies ([url=][/url]). If you use another body mod you may see weird textures in places were the clothing shows the skin or see some clipping. There is also available a conversion to the UNPB-BBP body made by belisariu here: The ability of the wig to keep the colour when unequipping/equipping it or when exiting Skyrim completely and loading a saved game is managed through scripts that require SKSE version 1.6.16 or higher ( If you don't use SKSE or use an older version, when the wig looses its hair colour use the showracemenu console command to set your character's hair colour again and that will fix the wig's colour. Install ======= Install using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) ------------------------------------- 1. Download the file 2. Select the file in the Mods tab of NMM, and click on the "Activates the selected mod" button. If asked if you want to overwrite existing files say "Yes to all". Manual install -------------- 1. Extract the files of this mod to a temporary location (you can use 7zip:, to unzip them) and chek the folder structure. 2. Copy to (install folder)\Skyrim\Data\: .- the AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp .- the meshes folder .- the textures folder .- the scripts folder 3. Open the Skyrim launcher and in "Data files" check the AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp. Make sure that the esp is loaded after Skyrim.esm and Update.esm and that both are active. If asked if you want to overwrite existing files say "Yes to all". Uninstall ========= Uninstall using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) ------------------------------------- 1. Select the file in the Mods tab of NMM, and click on the "Deactivates the selected mod" button. Manual uninstall ---------------- 1. Delete: .- the AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp .- the folder \textures\Ashara\Prince of the Woods\ and its contents .- the folder \meshes\Ashara\Prince of the Woods\ and its contents .- the files whose name begins by Ashara in the folders: - \scripts\ - \scripts\source\ Incompatibility =============== None that I am aware of. If you find anything, please tell me. Known Issues or Bugs ==================== There is some clipping in some poses. The bodice/cuirass mesh has a lot of polygons, so it may cause lag in some computers. The wig and hood now are visible when equipped by beast races, but they may clip as their head has a different shape than the human head. The scripts for the player's wig work for vanilla hair colours and custom colours added by the Race Menu mod by Expired. If you are using custom hair colours added by another mod they may not work (I just don't know). If you find anything else, please tell me. Future plans ============ Play the game and make other mods:) Mods used in pictures =================== The characters shown in pictures can be found here as presets: [url=][/url] Tutorial on how to create armours/clothing for Skyrim =============================================== * [url=]Creating an armour for Skyrim. Part 1[/url] * [url=]Creating an armour for Skyrim. Part 2[/url] Tutorial on how to convert armours/clothing to other bodies for Skyrim ============================================================== * [url=]Converting an armour to another body for Skyrim[/url] History ======= 5.3, 25-06-2014 - Fixed the armour addon of the male white hood. Now it points to the right meshes and textures files. 5.2, 18-11-2013 - Fixed the transparency flags for some items that make them go invisible when your character was underwater and the camera was looking at him/her from outside the water. 5.1, 15-11-2013 - Fixed the size of the cape textures of the male armour. 5.0, 15-11-2013 - Finished the male armour.Added armlets to the armour (both versions, male and female) 4.2, 23-09-2013 - Added the fur complements, the 4 belts and the stockings for the male armour. Improved the environment mask for the cuirass' clasps. Fixed the trousers clipping when running. 4.1, 23-08-2013 - Added The "Trousers (body slot)" item that displays the trousers on your character (and also a bra for females), and uses the body slot.This means this item cannot be equipped at the same time than the cuirass/bodice, but it allows male characters to wear only the trousers without the cuirass and look good ;) 4.0, 21-08-2013 - Added a male version of the armour made of: armour (cuirass with tail), bodice (cuirass), boots (over the knee and folded down) and daggers (normal and higher up). The rest of the items for male characters will be added in next versions. Fixed the green cuirass and bodice when wearing the trousers that got bugged in version 3.7. 3.7, 11-07-2013 - Written scripts to make the wig for the player keep the hair colour when unequipped and when exiting the game completely. Re-added 8 wigs with fixed colours intended for followers and other NPCs. 3.6, 03-07-2013 - Used textures sets for the ground objects and optimised textures to reduce size of the mod. Improved the looking of the female wig, made it compatible with the weight slider and made it change colour with your hair colour (there is only one wig now, as there is no need for having wigs of different colours!). 3.5, 01-03-2013 - Fixed the shader flags of the fur collar and fur skirt items. 3.4, 10-02-2013 - Placed the sword closer to the legs when wearing the bodice. 3.4, 16-12-2012 - Added an optional wig for low weight characters that stays closer to the body. 3.4, 09-12-2012 - Less shinny and a bit darker texture for the wigs. 3.3, 07-12-2012 - Opened the hood and wig to beast and vampire races. Now they will be visible when equipped by characters from those races. 3.2, 06-12-2012 - Added wigs for the hood. 3.1, 03-11-2012 - Fixed the Cape keywords: now it appears under the Studded section at the forge (it appeared under the Jewelry section, before). 3.0, 02-11-2012 - Shortened the names of the items, now all of them begin by PotW. Modifed the crafting section where all items are shown from Leather to Studded. Fixed the crafting materials for the black and white items: now all of them require silver ingots instead of gold ingots. Added a belt for the skirt, both belts versions with daggers in the back, a higher up version of the dagger, fur complements (collar, skirt, lower skirt, bracers and both boots versions), a cape and a hood. 2.0, 06-07-2012 - Darkened a bit the red set. Stockings and Dagger can be enchanted with more enchantments (added the ClothingFeet keyword to them). Fixed the clipping of the bodice in some poses for the _1.nif. Added version with trousers: the new items added are the bodice without the skirt, trousers, belt and a version of the boots with the top folded down. 1.1, 08-06-2012 - Dagger and stockings can be enchanted. Added items to have full sets for green and red colours, and also a full set in olive green colour. 1.0, 01-06-2012 - Initial release. Contact ======= You can contact me leaving a comment at the mod's thread, sending me a PM or leaving a comment at the mod's thread. You can find me on Nexus as SydneyB: You can find me on the Bethesda official forums as Ashara: You can find me on Clan Dlan as Ashara: Credits ======= Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim. Thanks to Dimon for the UNP female body and for the clothes resources. Thanks to Chris57 and Sundracon for the male body. Thanks to zzjay for porting to Skyrim the Demoness hair used for the female wigs and also thanks to PeggyZone for the original hair and LaughingVampire for porting it to Oblivion. Thanks to Apachii for the hair used for the male wigs and also thanks to Peggysims for the original hair. Thanks to expired6978 for the source code for custom hair colours. Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on: [url=][/url] Thanks to Nexus for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players. Thanks to all the modding community for all their tutorials, tools, help and support. Especially, thanks to TES Adventures, the Clan Dlan, Bethesda Official Forum and the Nexus communities. Thanks to all of you that are using this mod and are helping me to improve it with your suggestions. Tools Used ========== Blender - GIMP - The Compressonator - NIFSkope - Construction Kit (available on Steam) 7zip - Readme Generator - Licensing/Legal =============== You can reuse any part of this mod into your own mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. If you want to reuse the bra, pants, stockings or trousers you must credit Dimon too and release your mod on Nexus. If you want to reuse the female wigs you must credit zzjay, PeggyZone and LaughingVampire too. If you want to reuse the male wigs you must ask Apachii first and credit her and Peggysims if granted permission. You cannot port the scabbard, the dagger and the fur complements (bracers, boots, collar and skirt) meshes/textures into another game as those objects are part of vanilla Skyrim.